Hey guys! This is a really short story. But I like it. :)
So this is actually based of a dream I had. IKR! TOTALLY WEIRD! I was probably watching a horror movie.
By: Kam_41201
Yes! I just bought 5 really cute tops from Forever 21. Right now I'm just walking around the mall. When I go into JCPenney I always like looking at the beds on display. Since I was so tired, I sat down on the farthest bed in the corner so no one would catch me sleeping. I yawn, and start to drift off.
Mmmm..... This bed is so comfy. Wait what? I usually have a hard bed.
I sit up quickly, feeling the blood in my head. My vision is clouded right now, but why is it so dark in here? Oh great.
I get up, grab my bag and walk around the store trying not to trip over anything. I guess I slept till the store closed. It's probably 1am now. I keep walking quickly but quietly. I shove the door open from JCPenney into the rest of the mall. I walk past the food court. Maybe I could get some food.
As I walk up to Taco Bell, I hear a clatter from across the area where I'm standing. Shoot! I scurry grabbing my stuff, trying to not make a sound. But soon I start to hear footsteps heading my way. I start a light jog and decide to drop my bag because it was making too much noise. You know those plastic kinds they give at stores.
When I drop my bag, it made a thud sound. That was really bad because that only make the person behind me quicken their pace.
I can feel my heartbeat quicken. Shit. It's so dark I can't see if I run into anything. I go faster, and faster till I pass the north side of the mall. As I run I look and and see the glass dome thing above my head. I see the sky. Yes! There's light now! I look behind me and guess what I saw. One of those really creepy circus masks the person was wearing. It actually was a he because the the way he dressed. He's about 6'0 from my view. Just looking behind me that scared the crap out of me.
I actually sprint now, because I'm really scared now. I can actually feel the sweat dripping down my face and falling onto the tiles of the floor. The mall I'm at sometimes has those things dangling, for decorations. This gives me an idea. But in defense what else can I do to get this creeper off my tail?
I run with all my might jump over the railing and put my arms forward, hopefully catching the string. But theses are those really skinny clear strings. Crap. I grab onto it, grabbing it tightly, sliding down the string, giving me burns. Not even half way down the string snaps. I shriek and fall. Luckily I land on the cushion in the play area for the little children. Phew.
I look up, but he's not there. I look to the left towards the escalators. He's running down the stairs. I see something shiny in his hands. It's huge! A knife?!!!
I scramble off towards the bathroom area. I remember coming here when I was little and there was an escape exit. I can hear he's on my heels right now. I push open the door into the dark night.
Author's view:
Since that night she was never found or heard from again. No ones caught this murderer yet. Questions still go around the town. What happened? Did she commit suicide? Who did this? Did she disappear? No how is that even possible?" someone said. Questions still float in the air ever since that night.
Did you guys like it? Comment what you think happened! ;0

Mystery / ThrillerQuestions still hang in the air since that night....