"I'll be back before dinner Dad! I'm going on a walk!" I casually walk down the hall yelling to my dad. I want to get out of the house, and my teen-boy obsessed sister who doesn't care about anything besides this band called... 5 years of winter or something? And then this other band 1 Direction that I cant stand! Uhg, I don't understand how people are so obsessed with these bands. I mean I haven't heard 5 seasons or winters' music or anything but telling by 1Ds' music they must suck too. Even though I love music I just never have the time to discover any more music since I'm working so hard to get into at least a good college. I don't have any other free time to spare other than studying.
Sure, I do listen to music sometimes like, All Time Low, Blink 182, My Chemical Romance, Green day, Nirvana, Linkin Park and many others. But I don't have time to FIND anymore other bands and groups. I basically just listen to the same stuff every time I turn on Spotify. I am a very boring person.
Anyway my dad yells back 'Okay' as I am already out the door. The fresh breeze hits me instantly making me feel cold... I should've brought a jacket. Oh well. Continuing on down the street I glance at all the other houses, some people are already decoration for Christmas which is like 2 months away. Houses are already decorated in sparkling fairy lights while inside is a massive tree covered in lights, ornaments, garland, and last but not least the star.
I don't hate Christmas I just don't love it as much as most people. My family doesn't go full out since my dad insists on saving money for 'more useful things' he quotes. Which I don't mind, I'm perfectly fine with the things we have. I have a iPhone 6s which is my dads old one, he has a iPhone 7, and my sister a iPhone 6s. We're an okay family according to money. Not rich, not poor. Just normal. I've always been like that in school. Not bullied, not popular, not a loner, just Cassie. Weird named Cassiopeia, that nobody bothered to ask what kind of name that is. I'm okay with just being Cassie the nobody.
I've never really wanted something in life. I mean I want good grades and to go to a god college. And since forever I've always wanted to find love. Don't know why, I guess my mom loved the idea he kind of passed it onto me when she died, I slowly just inhabited all of her traits.
Mom has always been my role model ever since a child. She was super nice, awkwardly friendly, pretty with her blonde hair, and brown eyes. Mom retired when she had me, she was a doctor at the hospital but when she had me she developed having some medical issues and decided to quit. I remember the goodbye party when she told everyone at the hospital she was leaving. Everyone cried, and so did I because I knew mom loved being a doctor and helping people. I, now volunteer at the hospital when I have free time because I love helping people and be just like mom when I'm older. That's why I want to study so hard, so that I can get into a good college and become a doctor.
Anyway I'm about 2 blocks away from home when I see something on the bench. Stopping in my place I look around for no certain reason. I actually have no idea why I am looking around. Why are you looking around CASSIE? I don't know! Okay shut up I am!
I am just too weird for myself to handle.
Looking at it I realize its a penguin. Aw... I little kid must've lost their stuffed animal. I instantly feel bad. Maybe I can put it at the sheriff's lost in found. Surely they could find it there. Looking at it now it makes me remember all my great memories with my first stuffed animal. I still have it somewhere. It was a small giraffe that I would cuddle every night until I turned 13 and made it my job to stop sleeping with it since nobody did and I considered it weird. Age 14 I ACTUALLY stopped sleeping with it. I actually really miss Gigi (That was her name I gave her at the time since I was to young to pronounce Giraffe).
Walking over to the bench I pick up the fluffy penguin. Nothing seems to be wrong with it, it must've just been lost. I shrug and decide to look around to see if it has any clues to who owns it. Nothing on the bench or floor. I look around one more time cautious of my surroundings. Finally I decide to take a look at the tag which is sewed onto the penguins butt. Black pen is written right down the middle reading:
"If you find this please bring it back to Jenkins Avenue 2934 street building 5 apartment 657, thank you."
I check my phone which is hidden in my back pocket. "4:16" Shrugging I start heading that way. I mean I have time I don't have to be home until 6:00 so what's it going to hurt to go on a little walk to Jenkins Avenue right? Wrong.
When I get to Jenkins Av I come face to face with a gated community. Uh... Is this the right place? I check the tag one more time and the name of this community, yup this is it. Seeing as the security guard in the booth is fast asleep, I might as well sneak through this... I probably look like a douphas right now. Shown up in only jeans and a All Time Low tank top with a giant penguin in her right hand. Yup, that sounds like me. Looking around I try to find some way to get in... Finally I find a little break in the fence. Looking around just one more time before I slip through the crack.
I know I'm going to get caught. I am negative because when I am positive something bad always happens and when I am negative something good always happens. So therefor I want something good to happen so I say something bad. "Expect the worst hope for the best." Mom used to say.
Hopping onto the sidewalk I say the address in my head for probably the millionth time this hour. I just don't want to forget and go to the wrong apartmen- Woah. Okay let me rephrase that. Excuse me, PENTHOUSE. I look up to see at least 10 floors worth of apartments. The outside apartments are a gorgeous white color, cream-ish almost. The outer rim is more cream with some designs. I just cant explain how beautiful... This must be cost a lot! Okay... Let the adventure begin.
1 hour later I have finally made it to the top floor. This better be the right building and floor because I am not going back down there. I look down from the 10th floor and I instantly want to vomit. We are so high up.! Did I mention that I was afraid of heights? Well yeah I am. Currently I am outside of the door I am supposed to be knocking on.
I look to my right then left. Are you serious? There was an elevator!?
Looking down at the tag and back up at the sign to my right. Yep, it matches.. okay lets do this.

Where'd Penguin Go? (Luke Hemming's Fanfiction)
FanfictionCassie's sister loved 5 Seconds of summer, she has posters, phone cases, bags, and even a SHRINE dedicated to them. Yet Cassie had no clue who they were. Cassie, short for Cassiopeia, didn't even know they existed. Then one night Cassie was taking a...