Chapter 1

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In the land of Jamaa, there was a young tiger named Rama (his name means "king"). Rama didn't have any friends, because everybody rejected him.  All the other tigers he knew from his clan, were all orange with black stripes. He, on the other hand, had been born with turquoise fur and a dark red tiger stripe pattern. As he grew up, everybody in all of Jamaa besides his clan, treated him like an outcast.

 As he grew up, everybody in all of Jamaa besides his clan, treated him like an outcast

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Rama was sad and miserable, because everyone in Jamaa hated the way he had been born.They even blamed all their problems on him! It was even believed that blue eyes, were bad luck!  All the other tigers in Jamaa, except the tiger alpha Sir Gilbert, looked like this:

They even blamed all their problems on him! It was even believed that blue eyes, were bad luck!  All the other tigers in Jamaa, except the tiger alpha Sir Gilbert, looked like this:

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Rama feared that even the mighty alpha of the tigers, Sir Gilbert, would turn a cold shoulder to him. But even then, Rama still read books about Sir Gilbert; even though his main color was orange. Rama also greatly feared that even Sir Gilbert, would be indifferent to differently colored tigers, such as he.
Then one night, Rama fell asleep on a lonely cliffside. Sir Gilbert appeared, and Rama was surprised. "Sir Gilbert!", said Rama. "Come with me, Rama. I'll show you just how brave you really are", said Sir Gilbert. Rama followed Sir Gilbert, but his paws quickly became blistered. Sir Gilbert had compassion on Rama, and stopped in his tracks. He then doubled back and turned around, walking towards Rama. "Climb on my back. I will carry you to safety. Don't worry, my cape is large enough to carry you safely, no matter how fast I may run; and you will not fall", said Sir Gilbert. Rama with Sir Gilbert's help, climbed onto Sir Gilbert's back, falling asleep in his cape. When he woke up the next morning, all the alphas were surrounding him. Cosmo then applied disinfectant to each of Sir Gilbert's claws (which in case you don't know, are extremely sharp!), on his front right paw. Rama let out a nervous whimper, as Greely handed Cosmo a bowl of cool water, and Liza handed him a piece of cloth. Greely, Peck, Graham and Liza helped to hold Rama still, as Sir Gilbert prepared for the procedure. Rama nervously braced himself for pain, and the alphas reassured him. "Don't worry Rama. You can cry and howl all you want, until you don't feel the pain anymore", said Graham. Sir Gilbert swiped his paw, slashing the massive blister on Rama's front right paw open. Rama let out cry after cry painfully, as he endured the pain and Cosmo cleaned out the first wound. Cosmo then successfully cut the dead skin around the wound, before bandaging it. The process was then repeated for the other three paws. Afterwards, Sir Gilbert once again disinfected his claws as well as washing his paws. Cosmo then helped Rama drink an elixir he had brewed, to help take away Rama's pain. Rama was then left to rest on a soft, ground-level bed, that was easy for him to get up from. His meals were always brought to him, and Sir Gilbert helped Rama be able to get comfortable walking again, once his blistered paws were fully healed, over a few weeks. Sir Gilbert also then personally took Rama under his wing, so to speak, helping him to toughen his paws. Then came the toughening of his heart. "You have truly earned your stripes, young Rama. But now you need to prove your ferocity and courage, by finding your roar", said Sir Gilbert.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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