Chapter 2

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Bellamy finished his paper, only took 3 days even after he got his books, he could breathe easier now. He sent a copy to his professor just as he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Yea" he answered, the door opened to reveal Octavia and Miller.

"Let's go grab a coffee and then they have a band in the park , can we go see what they are like?" Octavia asked.

"Yea, I just finished my paper, perfect timing"


Miller held the door open at the coffee shop for Octavia and Bellamy, they moved to the line, whenever a band was playing in the park the coffee shop was always busy. Today was no exception, they would be there awhile, groups of people entered and exited on a constant and the whole place was buzzing with different conversations.

"So are you glad to be done with your paper?" Octavia asked.

"Yup, never felt so relieved to send an email" Bellamy laughed.

"See, and if you didn't put that Librarian in her place you wouldn't have had your books on time" Miller added.

"You what? Lets hear the story." Octavia prompted

"Yes, lets hear the story, Mr. Blake" a voice said from behind them. Bellamy felt himself cringe internally. He glanced at his watch. '3:00pm, great' He didn't turn around, he knew exactly who it was.

His sister and roommate looked around him to the blonde who was smiling at them.

"Hi, I'm Octavia, Bellamy's sister, and this is his roommate Nate but we call him Miller"

"I'm Clarke, the librarian" she said shaking there hands. Miller's laughter filled the room causing dozens of heads to turn in there direction. Octavia's eyes widened looking to Bellamy who's eyes were shooting daggers at Miller.

"Next!" the cashier called.

Bellamy stepped forward.

"Two large coffee's milk and sugar, one mocha latte, and one vanilla soy latte for the princess behind us" he stated handing the guy his credit card.

"Princess?" she scoffed pushing passing Miller and Octavia.

"Well, you sure thought you were high and mighty, you were going to banish me from the library like it's your damn kingdom" he stated.

"I'll pay for my own, Don't do me any favors"

"Too late, already gave him money" Bellamy smirked.

She just crossed her arms glaring at him. Miller and Octavia stood beside them trying not to stare, but completely interested in there exchange.

The cashier handed them drinks one by one.

"Thank you" Clarke said evidently agitated.

"Anytime Princess" He said walking out the door.

"Nice meeting you, I'm sure I'll see you again" Octavia said.

"Yes nice meeting both of you" she said looking from her to Miller. She gave them a warm smile heading out before them, she glanced at Bellamy before heading in the opposite direction shaking her head.

The trio walked to the park in awkward silence.

"Whatever it is, just say it" Bellamy mumbled knowing them too well.

"You lied, you didn't tell her off did you?" Miller smiled knowingly.

"Nope, more like she dismissed me like a damn kid who was misbehaving" he replied in a huff.

"She's pretty" Octavia said.

"Gee hadn't noticed" Bellamy retorted, causing her to laugh.

"Yeah right, every guy in there noticed"

"That's true" Miller added.

They made there way to the park, 'she is pretty, a pretty pain in my ass' Bellamy thought as they arrived at there destination.

"She gets under your skin" Octavia noted out loud.

"You could say that" he replied.

Music filled the park, there were tons of people sitting under various trees and across the field. Bellamy moved towards a tree with no one around it and they followed all sitting on the grass under it. The band was a few songs in.

"They are pretty good" Octavia complimented.

"Yea not bad" Miller agreed. Bellamy nodded. The band was satisfactory in his opinion instead of listening his eyes searched the crowd. He looked for the familiar face, not that he wanted to see her, she pissed him off, but she wasn't bad on the eyes, and she would give him a distraction for awhile. He eyes found her in the far corner leaning against the tree. She wasn't paying attention either. Her gaze was focused out over the water of the lake.

He watched her answer her phone, she looked like she was yelling at someone. She took off at a brisk walk to the garbage can in front of her, popped the battery out of her phone and dropped it in the trash, walked fifty feet, and dropped the phone in the next garbage can, turned and headed out of the park stopping at two more garbage cans to dispose of the case and the battery cover. 'what the hell, shes crazy, someone pissed her off' He lost sight of her at the end of the block and went back to listening to the music. He kept replaying what he just saw in his mind, sure there is times he wants to throw his phone away, or smash it, but that would be the first time he has ever seen anyone actually do it.

"What are you eyeing?" Octavia whispered.

"The new librarian just had a meltdown and threw her phone out, I'm telling you, she think's she is better then everyone, must have money if she can afford to just throw it away"

"Bellamy, stop looking for reasons, to dislike her, I liked her, she was nice"

"How the fuck did you pinpoint her in this crowd?" Miller asked looking around them. Bellamy just shrugged his shoulders.

"It was easy, are we done here? It's starting to get cold" he said standing.

"Yea, lets head home" Miller stood with Octavia nodding her answer beside him.


That night Bellamy laid in bed still wondering what made her mad enough to throw her phone out, and to disassemble it like that. It really had him puzzled. 'Who does that?' He thought to himself. Eventually sleep deprivation got the best of him, relieving him of his thoughts for the night.

The Librarian (Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now