Jump In Time

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I am rudely awoken 4 hours later by my alarm informing me it was time to get up for work. I groaned in protest as I unlocked my iPhone to check all my social media before I rolled out of bed.

I felt lazy today so I just back combed my hair and smoothed over the top, applied my usual makeup of a 60s cut crease and put on a white blouse with high waisted Capri pants.

The clock had turned 8.30 by the time I was done because I was taking so long to get ready. I grab one of my pre-made breakfast smoothies from the fridge and my car keys and head downstairs.

I'm immediately struck by heat. Not the Floridian humid heat that I'm used to. I was hot, too hot.


I look around for my car and I can't see it. Then I look a bit more and I can see cars but not like I'm used to, they were old cars that I would only see when I went to vintage fairs or when I've been to Graceland and seen Elvis' collection.

What the hell? There must be a convention. But where is my bloody car?

The heat is making me uncomfortable and slightly sweaty. I look around once again for my car. Nothing. But something else catches my eye.

Elvis Presley Blvd.

"We don't have an Elvis Presley Boulevard in Miami." I muse out loud.

Not near where I live anyway or that I know of...

Curious I follow this new sign in the direction it was pointing. I don't take much else in I'm too fixed on this random sign. I walk and walk some more down this boulevard when it starts dawning on me that I do recognise my surroundings from when I've been to Memphis to visit Graceland.

What the fuck? How much did I drink last night? I swore I only had 3 glasses of wine.

I feel panic rising in my throat as I draw closer and closer to an even more familiar setting... Graceland.

Oh Jesus Christ. Did I fall off the wagon again? Why am I here?

I start mentally planning how I explain this to my partner at my firm and get back home asap. Then I notice a gaggle of young girls in front of the gates excitedly talking to each other clutching to pens, papers and really old cameras for dear life. They were all dressed not too dissimilar to me which I find even more odd.

They must be having some sort of vintage fair or something.

At this point I reach the gates and I start to lean against the brick wall next to them, observing the frantic girls.

They do know he's dead right? Maybe Priscilla or Lisa Marie is home.

I notice a security guard at my side of the gate while the girls were at the other. Graceland is usually open in May on a Wednesday, isn't it?

"Excuse me, are there no tours on today?" I ask the guard that is stood near me on the other side of the gate.

"Pardon ma'am? What tours would they be?" He asks in a thick southern accent.

"Oh, you know the usual ones, of the ground, the cars, the plane and stuff." I reply.

"I don't know whatcha talkin' about ma'am. There have never been any tours like that here unless the boss invites ya."

"What? The boss? As in Priscilla?"

He looks at me as if I'd grown a new head from my nose and I raise an eyebrow in response.

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