P r o l o g u e

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Prologue Part One- Meet Jacqueline Sara Woodbury

"Jacque! Come back here, you can't do that!" A voice echoed through the gardens as a petite caramel-haired female yelled at her friend. 'Jacque' just scoffed and proceeded to ascend higher up the peach tree. Her aburn hair just flowed freely as the gentle breeze passed through.

"Eh, calm down, Delilah. I'm not doing anything wrong." This statement earned a sarcastic laugh from 'Delilah'.

"Ha, yeah right. You're supposed to be in your classes right now. You almost a Luna for Pete's sake!" The petite girl screeched, crossing her arms as Jacque rolled her eyes. Jacqueline had, once again, weaseled her way out of her classes. They were supposed to help her become more 'fancy'. And Jacque hated fancy.

"Pssh! Why should I care about some stupid Luna Classes? I didn't want to become Luna anyways.." The girl muttered to herself. She was going to retort again, but one heated state from Delilah made her hold her tongue. Sighing, Jacque reluctantly made her way down the peach tree.

As the girls made their way back into the mansion, a small voice made them stop in their tracks.


Jacqueline spun around, confused at first, but once she realized it was only her little brother, she broke into a grin. "Hey there, Sam. How was the trip with Mom to Human Corner?"

The world is pretty much broken into four general corners. One corner is called Animalia Corner because it includes animal or insect shapeshifters, werewolves, and whatnot. Another corner is called Supernatural Corner which includes witches, wizards, banshee, etc. The third corner is named Dracula Corner. If the name wasn't obvious enough, the corner is where bloodsuckers live. Count Dracula had started to build a community there, thus the corner was named after him. And lastly, we have Human Corner. A bland name, for such bland creatures.

Samuel beamed up at his older sister. "It was great! I got to see the Deltas run and the Gamma train. When we got there, Mom and I stayed in a hotel. It was weird because it smelled so much like humans." He wrinkled his nose, as if to say the smell was not pleasant.

Jacque laughed slightly. "I'm sure it did. You did visit Human Corner, Sammy." The kid just stuck his tongue out before a firm cough caught their attention. It was Delilah, and she didn't seem too happy about being totally forgotten about.

"As much as I hate to break this cute moment, we really have to hurry. See you later, Samuel. Say "hello" to Odette for me!" The caramel-haired female called out over her shoulder as she dragged Jacque along. Sam just waved and scuffled away.

"You're so pushy, Del." Jacque mused.

"I'm pulling you. I don't see anything pushy about that." Was the witty response she earned.

"Smart@ss." Jacqueline retorted.

"Lazy@ss." Delilah shot back.

Three and a half hours of learning to eat properly, speak with authority, walk with elegance, dance with grace, cooking delicious meals, how to see through deception, and learning about her family history, Jacque leaned against the velvety sofa. She was sitting between Delilah's legs as the girl was brushing her hair.

"I don't understand why you don't like your classes, Jacque. I would love to take them!"

"I don't understand why you don't have classes, Del." Grumbled Jacqueline, her hazelnut eyes looked down at the floor.

"I'm the daughter of a Beta, not the daughter of an Alpha. I don't have as many classes as you." Delilah explained, running the brush through Jacques's ridiculously thick auburn hair. This statement perked Jacqueline's interest.

"You have classes? I haven't seen you take them."

"I already took them."

"What? When?"

"Three years ago."

"Lucky bi- ow!" Jacqueline yelped as she felt a harsh tug on her hair. She guessed that the caramel-haired female was smiling smugly to herself.

"Oops." Oops my ass, Jacque thought bitterly.

After about ten minutes of hair styling, Jacqueline stood up. She admired her new fishtail braid before smiling at Delilah who grinned back.

"Thanks, Del. I better head over to my father's office. He wanted me to go with him to the Moonstone Pack to sign a Peace Treaty and Alliance." This apparently amused Delilah because she let out a small laugh.

"Look at you. I didn't think you would take this so seriously."

"I don't, but if it means adventure I'm in. Plus, I haven't left the pack in six months I'm itching for something new to explore." And with that, Jacque sped away, but not before flashing a wink towards her best friend.

Harrison was at his desk, organizing his papers and made sure to place the Peace Treaty and Alliance papers together. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, which had strands of gray mixed within the sandy color. A sigh escaped his lips, before a knock was heard.

"Dad?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the door. He chuckled slightly before saying to come in. Jacque entered and plopped down in front of him. "Hey, when are we leaving for Moonstone?" Harrison shook his head. Jacqueline always was the impatient one. He could hear the eagerness in her voice.

"I have the papers here, in the folder. I think the car is outside waiting for us. Your mother prepared you some trail mix and left in the car. Hopefully, you don't get carsick. It is a lengthy ride, almost two hours." The middle aged man rambled on. Jacque rolled her eyes.

"Alright Dad. C'mon, let's go. You have everything already, right?" Her words snapped him out of his little thinking out loud rant. Harrison blinked dumbly before chuckling. He got up and walked out the door with his daughter at his side.

An hour later, the duo had finally reached the border of the Moonstone Pack. Jacque had a slight headache, which was caused by her car sickness, but she would live. She staggered out of the car, her head throbbing slightly.

"Ugh, let's get this over with." Jacqueline sighed.

"What happened to all that energy?" Harrison chuckled.

"Shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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