MHB Chapter 38

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All the students looked so shocked and tried to find where it came from. Honestly, it did make a chaos including the nearby classes.

"What was that, unnie?!" Seohyun linked arm with Yoona while sitting closer to her.

"Did someone get murdered?!" Sunny made a wild guess as she herself looked scared while backhugging Yuri because she already imagined it in her minds.

"Yah! Don't say such nonsense!" Yuri hit Sunny's arm lightly. "You watched too much detective movies!" She added as lately Sunny had been spending time at the cinema.

Taeyeon which was known to be quite quick-witted, was the only one seemed to think rationally in this absurd situation. "You guys, doesn't it sound familiar?" She asked, inferring that it was the voice of someone they were close to.

Taeyeon's guess was indeed right and Jessica appeared in front of them panting like she just got chased by ghost. All of them looked so surprised to see her condition like that and not to mention she already had been missing for a while. "Yah, is that your scream?! What had happened actually?" Tiffany observed her from head to toe. The girls seemed so worried what had happened for her to give such reaction.

Jessica explained in anxiousness and disbelief. "I saw the performers list of the festival on the notice board!" She referred to the University Music Festival.

"Then?" This time, the girls looked confused and curious instead of worrying.

"I was chosen to represent our school in duet category!" She said loudly in disbelief and then, returned to her seat angrily before stomping her hands on the table.

However, in this situation, the girls were more in disbelief of Jessica's over reaction. They were worried for nothing but felt strange too that Jessica reacted that way. There must be something behind it but still it was too much to scream like she just found a dead body or ghost.

All the students also seemed to understand that the scream came from Jessica but to find out the reason behind that scream made them felt quite annoyed. The girls could hear the whisper and loud whine about Jessica's behaviour just now. They could only sigh. Jessica didn't give a care about this but she really embarrassed them for attracting people's attention in nonsense way.

"Sica-yah! You're really embarrassing!" Hyoyeon hit Jessica's arm lightly as she also dragged the girls in that embarrassment. The girls were also in the spotlight of people's stare.

"Sica unnie must have a good reason behind it." Seohyun added as she looked the most concerned of Jessica. "Unnie, there must be something else, right?"

"My duet partner is that hateful guy, Onew!" Jessica stomped her leg angrily as she still couldn't believe it.

The girls' eyes went bigger as their jaw dropped because they anticipated a serious reason before. Instead of that matter which Jessica just told, her action was more unbelievable to them. The unnecessary attention and embarrassment that she brought to them was not worthy for that silly reason.

"Yah, you really exaggerated!" Sunny added in annoyance.

Sooyoung never missed a chance to tease Jessica even in that situation especially she knew the most about development in Onew and Jessica's relationship. "What's wrong with him? You guys already got along well, right?"

Jessica's eyes got bigger at Sooyoung's claim. "Getting along well, my butt!" Jessica replied angrily.

Sooyoung added while letting out a teasing laugh. "Well... he even sent you home last time. Why would he do that if you guys aren't close?"

"Yah, shut up!" Jessica hit Sooyoung's arm in annoyance. "Don't bring up about that matter anymore! Aish, he really pissed me off..." She remembered the last time when she confronted him about that confidently, thinking he would be speechless and admitted he had special feeling towards her. Instead, he fired back and she was the one who was viewed as shameless woman.

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