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Asce had made it just in time, as a certain dark haired professor began his lesson.

He sat down and pulled out his notebook.

Fifty two minutes and a cramping hand later, Asce stood back up to leave.

"Asce," the professor called, motioning for him to come closer. Asce walked up, conscious of the couple of students remaining in their seats, "You were quite enamored with today's lesson it seemed, I wonder why that is." Stefan gave a knowing smile as Asce turned fifty shades of pink.

"Ah, I just, you know, decided to pay more attention to my classes," he said, fully aware that they both knew what the reason for Asce's attentiveness was.

"Well, that's good to hear." Stefan lightly brushed Asce's arm and leaned down closer than what was appropriate, "I'm glad you didn't switch out."

Stefan's low whisper sent shivers down Asce's spine as he took his hand back, the heat on his arm lingering for a long time afterwards.


"Asce are you ready yet?!"

Ryan yelled from the front door, pursing his lips and praying that they wouldn't be late.

"Coming!" Asce yelled back as he stumbled out from his room, still trying to pull up a sock.

Ryan's mouth fell open at the blonde's look. Asce wore a light maroon shirt that fit his chest and shoulders beautifully, letting out a glimpse of cute collarbone at the top. His pants were deep blue, almost black, and hugged his legs and calves like a glove. Not to mention that perfect ass, supported by that denim, Ryan wanted to squeeze it.

Suddenly realizing that Asce had begun walking towards him, Ryan mentally clapped himself in the head, what was wrong with him?

Asce came up to Ryan, feeling extremely awkward in his clothes, "Hey, um do you think this is ok?" he asked, self-consciously pulling at the hem of the shirt.

"Okay?" Ryan shot him an are-you-serious look, "Dude, you look, good." He caught himself before he could say what he was really thinking.

Asce looked down embarrassed but happy at the taller boy's words, "Let's go then," he said pulling on Ryan's arm, "We can't be late."

Ryan grinned with uncontrolled excitement as he let the smaller boy pull him out the door.


"Nicholas Park," Ryan said, pulling out a slip of paper and handing it to the bulky man.

The two boys were standing at the doors of Mad Max, the building eclipsed by its surrounding neighbors, it made up for it with it's bright lights and hot music softly coming from hidden speakers. It was a sleek sort of building, the kind that was made of what looked like solid black granite with shining fluorescent letters down it's side casting a faint, warm glow upon the road it sat on. 

Right now, that warm glow was sending the tingling beginnings of excitement into Asce's body. Ryan stood beside him, the two of them at the front of the line, and was talking with the bouncer that Ryan's friend, Nick, introduced.

"Is he with you to?" The large bouncer gestured towards Asce, giving him an appreciative once over. Asce squirmed as Ryan narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, he's with me." A bit of hardness crept into his voice and the beefy man raised his hands in surrender.

"Sorry," he apologized in a smooth accent then took out his stamp. He stamped both boys, then grinned a toothy grin, "Have fun boys, 'nd tell Nick that I like his ass." He winked as both Ryan and Asce walked through the doors and down the stairs, smiling a bit awkwardly from his last comment.

An abrupt gust of cool air blew onto them, and all of a sudden, they were inside.

Music blared through the speakers and the smell of alcohol and sex filled the air with its heady mixture making Asce's head spin. A VIP section could be seen with stairs leading up to the private rooms on the second floor and men of all ages danced or sat at the bars looking into the crowd. There were a couple of stages all around them, most of them with half naked guys standing and grinding seductively on each other. Asce's mouth fell open, as he looked around at the scene. Ryan was grinning when he felt Asce stiffen, and found that the smaller boy had turned beet red and was opening and closing his mouth as if he wanted to speak.

"Hey!" Ryan yelled over the pumping music as he pulled Asce closer so he could hear, "You ok?"

Asce turned his wide eyes to the copper haired boy, "What?" he yelled back.

Closing his eyes, Ryan leaned down trying not to smell too much of Asce, and yelled near his ear, "I said, are you ok?"

Asce gave a vigorous nod then pointed to the bar.

Ryan raised his eyebrows but didn't complain as the small blonde dragged him towards the empty far end of the table, his mind full of sweaty thoughts he tried to ignore.

Thirty minutes and eight shots later, Asce was dead drunk out of his mind.

"Hehhh, if yu weerre a griill wadya bee ca--hic--lllledd?" Asce slurred trying to grasp onto Ryan's shirt to keep from falling.

Ryan rolled his eyes, as he gazed down at Asce with an affectionate concern, Asce was being unusually clingy today. But, he thought, it was nice for a change, a cute, red Asce clutching at his clothes, Ryan felt guilty for having those thoughts, but he couldn't help it, anymore than he could help the heat in his groin.

Asce tipped forward and Ryan quickly jerked him back upright, "Uhhghh," Asce moaned into Ryan's arm, "Urggh, I feelll siick."

A wave of concern came over Ryan and he put down his own drink, "Hey, can you stand?" Asce shook his head then almost smashed into the ground. Ryan grimaced and placed one arm on the smaller boy's slim shoulder, "Hey, Asce, I'm gonna go get you some water, be right back," he said holding the other boy still, "Don't move." Ryan left to get the barista's attention.

Almost immediately, Asce stood up from where he was sitting. The world spun, and Asce's head had a constant dull ache that confused him just that much more. The blonde got up, swayed a couple times, then, seeing the bright strobing lights of the dance floor, he headed towards it.

Stefan had just finished work when the single most shocking thing happened to him. A red, tipsy, and sexy Asce walked straight into his back.

"Auhh," Stefan could feel Asce mumbling through a mouthful of leather as hands grabbed at his waist, trying to keep his own body propped up. He whirled around and firmly grabbed the small boy's shoulders. Asce looked wasted. His clothes were mussed, as if he had tried to take them off but stopped in the middle. A dark flush spread was spread across his cheeks and his ears were red. His eyes had a glassy, unfocused look to them and his mouth lolled open exposing pearly white teeth and an enticing tongue.

"Asce, what the hell are you doing here?" Stefan yelled into the glazed blonde's eyes. Asce blinked a couple of times, as if he was trying to remember who the dark haired man before him was.

"SStteffaaan," Asce half yelled as he pulled at Stefan's leather jacket.

Stefan looked around, searching for anyone who looked to be around Asce's age, who hopefully could explain what a nineteen year old college student was doing at a notorious gay club, famous for its hot, steamy hook ups. He shook his head, giving up his search in the large crowd and glanced back down at Asce.

"Hey! Listen to me!" Stefan yelled, trying to get the uncooperative Asce to pay attention, but to no avail.

Ugh, Stefan thought, shit what should he do? Asce was a minor, and he was bound to have someone waiting for him somewhere inside the club. Yet, if he left him here to wait for his friends, well, Stefan knew that there would be a shit ton of men who would kill just to taste a bit of that perfect, flushed skin, and some who wouldn't take no for an answer.

The dark haired man thinned his lips and looked at the small boy around him. He brushed a strand of golden hair stuck to his face, and glanced around one last time.

Then, feeling as if this was a terrible choice, Stefan lifted the slim, blonde boy up and walked out the club.

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