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You never ever understood

I explained

     I talked

     I shouted

     I screamed

     I whispered

My words were swallowed up by the wind

     You never listened, you never heard

     The wind took my words far far away

I tried many times to get through to you

     You closed your ears to me

     You wouldn't save a word from being stolen

     I wished for you to listen so I continued to talk

I wonder where the wind took my words?

     Where they ended up?

     You never cared much for them

     Someone would have been lucky to have been carried them

     Maybe someone listened?

     Once upon a time

But, I have learnt

     You do not listen

     You do not care

     I won't waste my words any longer, only to let them get taken by the wind

     They will stay thoughts

     Safe and sound within my head

You will not even notice

     But will the wind?

     Will someone else

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