Chapter Twenty-One

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Quick Note: The photo on the side is of Suzanne (Kaley Cuaco), Eddie (Chace Crawford), Evan (Joe Manganiello) and Sonja (Olivia Wilde). Enjoy =)P



Tuesday at work is not much better. There is a lot of the same piecing together my websites for the Cooper and Terry accounts. The anger simmered below the surface, but I refused to give into it.

Suzanne is nowhere to be seen. Figures she would hide out. Well I have seen her, but she has avoided being anywhere near me and it’s a good thing she did. Eddie has begun conducting some questioning of all our web designers about this ‘glitch’ to try and find the culprit. I knew it was Suzanne, just needed proof and the how.

I recruited Stacy to try and gather any Intel from around the office that I could use. I had a tech guy coming in, per Eddie’s orders, to look at my computer and redo its security measures. They would probably do that with everyone because if someone could get into one computer they could do it to anyone else. This puts other peoples work at risk. I hope she realized the problem she has caused. Maybe that is why she is laying low.

On my way back to my office for the tech guy appointment, Stacy stopped me and pulled me off to the side.

“What?” I questioned.

“I found out something interesting,” she exclaimed.

“Okay,” I looked at my phone’s time. She needed to hurry.

“It’s not much, but Brandy told me that Suzanne stays after hours sometimes during the week the days vary so I don’t know exactly when.”

Hmm that is strange; usually I am one of the only ones who is always out the door later than anyone else at the office.

“I don’t know what good that does me, but I’ll keep an eye out. I have to get to my office; this tech guy is coming to check my computers security.”

“Okay just thought I’d let you know blue eyes,” Stacy winked at me and hurried off back to her office.

I felt childish for asking Stacy to do that. I felt immature for wanting revenge at all. But this was my livelihood. I never have done anything to Suzanne for her to want to hurt me like this. I didn’t understand why she had such a malevolent attitude towards me. Eddie showing a personal interest in me couldn’t be the only reason. Or could it?

I remembered how jealous and hot headed Jerry had gotten when Eddie would smile at me or some random guy would when we were out together. Of course he would jump down my throat and accuse me of being a whore and leading the guys on. I shivered. It had been a while since I thought about Jerry and the abuse.

When I had finally moved out and gotten a restraining order was when he really got scary…following me to work, leaving violent threats as notes in my windshield wipers, creepy messages at work. Plus he made a couple of scenes in public and here.

I had never been one to let someone manipulate me. With Jerry I seemed to lose all my confidence and self-worth. I had it back now and there was no way in hell I am going to let some envious co-worker ruin what I have built here.

Reaching my office the tech guy is already inside starting my computer.

“Hello,” I said slightly annoyed.

“Hi, I’m sorry, Eddie let me in. He wants this fixed right away, I’m Tyler,” he extended a long skinny arm. I shook his hand.

“Uh thanks what are you going to be doing exactly?”

On The Couch [Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang