Chapter 6~ Truths in meetups

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"We.. We are going to your ski chalet this winter break????" We all said.. I haven't went skiing since like. FOREVER!!!! I'm actually exited!! So after the two weeks we are packed and set to go. We are going to go with their private jet.. Okay firstly I didn't know they where that rich and second.... LETS DO THISSSS

So after a long relaxing jet ride we finally got there and got to the chalet by some kind of ski car thing? I don't know but it was awesome!!!!when we got there we decided our room plans and Kelsey told us " OKEY so me and Clair are rooming of course and well I think Jess and Jaxon are gonna wanna room? Or no! Jess I invited Chris your boyfriend so u guys will room and Jaxon can be alone while Galaxy and Sera room." Until after saying all that Jaxon snaked his arms around me and whispered in my ear " cmon Lexi. Your not gonna let them separate us are you?" To which I responded " yea I will actually. TOODLES " but before I can move Sera screamed " AW HELL NAH!! I ROOM ALONE. I NEED MAH PRIVACY. " Clair then exclamed " DAYUM okay so Jax and Lexi are in a room. Just don't have sex okay? I don't wanna hear it. Besides Jaxaly won't happen. Sooo yea stay safe. "

I blushed so furiously I stomped to the room with NO HESITATIONS. I arrived to a beautiful modern black and white room with a large balcony with the view of the forest surrounding us.
I then went out on the balcony. I felt cold shivers runs through my neck as the breeze was soft but cut through like a knife.

I then felt a very warm pair of arms touch my arms and then it put a warm fluffy blanket over me. Jaxon. After a couple minutes he finally said
" hey Galaxy? What happened to your mom" my eyes widened at his question
He isn't even apologetic about it..
" well.. My mom was a normal person in the mall and well there where these four men that came in and shot everyone while she was at the bank. Before she can hide they shot her.. The men where identified but they where never found.. First one was my father.. Who later commuted suicide when he found out he shot his wife, the second was a man named Herman Shaun, the third was a woman named Jeana Leston and lastly was a man named Jeremy Quinn... Wait... "

Jaxons eyes widen and he started taking steps back and my eyes started watering and I covered my mouth with both hands until he almost whispered " m-my b-b-b-brother J-Jer-Jerem-my com-comm-commit-t-ted su-su-sui-sui-suic-suici-I-I-ide in a m-m-mall"
I then ran out of the room and I didn't realize it but somehow I shut the door and isolated it in place, leaving Jaxon stuck in the cold.

I then realized... I found my power. Ice, snow, isolation..... So I took a cardigan and ran outside with my boots to the top of the mountain. When I got there it was like I was in a movie as I saw a woman dressed in in almost nothing, just a skin tight suit with thigh high boots and she had curly white hair with jet black ends standing in front of me. Her eyes where a black that can stab your soul if you think about it too much. She sighed and said
"  Your pretty stupid coming here alone. But I love your stupidity. Ya know. I loved your father... And he was going to be with me after that little shoot at the mall. But he was too scared to tell you so he just KILLED HIMSELF. it's YOUR FAULT THAT I COULDN'T BE WITH HIM. IVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU. AND NOW. I will bring you to your mommy. Deal?"

To be continued...

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