July 9th 2029
James Andrew Holt is born to Commander Danial Holt and his wife Sarah.
May 26th 2032
Jame's cousin, Matthew Orson is born.
Febuary 8th 2035
Sarah is diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
June 19th 2036
Sarah dies and is buried at Evergreen cemetery.
July 12th 2050
James graduates from the university of California with degrees in mathematics, engineering, history and physics.
March 22nd 2051
Holt joins SHEF, under the command of his uncle Colonel Adrian Storm, at the rank of Private.
August 7th 2056
Holt meets John Harris, a chauffeur, and they start a relationship.
September 23rd 2056
Holt tells his father that he's gay and Danial breaks his nose.
July 13th 2059
James is promoted to Captain and becomes Commodore Goddard's personal aide.
April 15th 2068
Holt and Goddard are killed in a plane crash and are then reconstructed by the Mysterons.
April 16th 2068
Holt is shot by Captain scarlet and he is freed from the Mysteron's influence.
October 12th 2068
Orson dies on Lunarville 7 from unknown causes, he is then recreated as a Mysteron agent.
October 29th 2068
Colonel Storm, Orson's father and Holt's uncle, is killed in a car crash and reconstructed.
July 9th 2069
Harris dies in a car crash which his passenger, Major Gravener, survives.
August 3rd 2069
Holt attempts suicide and fails.
October 2nd 2069
James is offered a place in Spectrum.
December 5th 2069
Holt finishes his training at Koala Base and becomes Captain Mint's field partner.
Fern - Timeline
Short StoryA timeline of Captain Fern's career from birth to reconstruction as a Mysteron agent.