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{ Chapter One:

Watching stars }

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"Peter!" I screamed, the wind whipping my blonde hair across my face. "Slow down, you're going to get us killed!" He was driving down a deserted road, at least 20 miles above the speed limit. There were no other cars around, but it still made me nervous. He shook his blonde head, a big, goofy smile plastered on his face.

"If I die tonight, you'll be blamed!" I shouted over the loud whipping of the wind, pouring through the open windows of Peter's pick up truck. He laughed to himself.

"How can you blame me, if you're dead!" He yelled back. I studied his face as he drove us to who knows where. His normally perfectly groomed, blonde hair was windswept, brushing it across his forehead. His bright blue eyes sparkled with anticipation. He wore an excited smile.

Peter turned his head, winking at me, before slamming his foot into the brakes. We were just about to turn a corner, so the car idled onto the grass beyond the dirt rode. I jerked forward in the seat, but the belt held me back. I inhaled and exhaled heavily, trying to catch my breath. He hadn't buckled his seat belt, so he opened the door and hopped out of the truck. I opened the door to do the same, but he ran around the front and caught my hand, helping me down. I jumped onto the grass, taking in my surroundings. A thick forest of pine trees unfolded in front of me. I looked back and could no longer see Castle Lake, where I had just abandoned my friend. Normally, if I was in this situation I would be scared out of my mind, but I felt relaxed and safe with Peter.

He guided me through layers and layers of pine trees. This forest seemed endless, I thought. After awhile of walking, seemingly aimless, we reached a clearing. I was immediatly breathtaken by the beautiful view of the city. All the tall buildings were illuminated, gasting a bright glow on the city streets below. This wasn't what took my breath away. That was the stars. I rarely got to see the stars, due to the thick cloud of smug hovering above the city, but this was a perfect 360 degree view of the light sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it," I heard Peter say from somewhere behind me. I had forgotten he was there for a moment.

"Yes, it is." Peter took a seat on the dry grass of the clearing, patting beside him, for me to sit. I joined him and he snaked an arm around my shoulders.

"Peter?" I turned my head to face him.

"Yes?" He did the same, looking at me, with the starlight illuminating his features.

"Why me? Why did you take me here? Out of all the girls at that party. Why did you choose me?"

He took a deep breath, a smug smile falling over his face. "Well, Amanda. You're real. You're not fake like those other girls back there. Any of them would be falling at my feet right now if they were in your position, but you don't. You're different. That's what I liked about you. Oh, and it wasn't me choosing you. We chose each other."

Wow. My heart skipped a beat at this final words, 'We chose each other.' I my mindset in high school was that Peter Thompson was just a very good-looking guy, who used girls. But I am now realizing it was them who used him. They fell for his muscular frame, his charming smile, his wallet. All he ever wanted was someone who liked him for him, and nothing more. I'm glad that I've made this realization and my whole perspective on Peter Thompson has changed.

"Where had you been all my high school life?" He interupted my thoughts with this low voice.

"Your eyes hadn't ever lingered on me. Not even once. I still don't know how you know my name," I replied, staring at his profile.

He laughed. "There's a lot you don't know about me," he started. "Maybe we could change that."

I nodded in agreement. I nuzzled my head against his shoulder, my eyes still trained on the stars. I felt relaxed and at ease, here in Peter's arms. I then realized how exhausted I was, and felt sleep taking over my senses.

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"Hey, Amanda. Wake up." I thought I heard a hushed voice whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open, and I sat up. I glanced at Peter, who was next to me, also sitting. He had taken off his sweatshirt and balled it up as a pillow for me.

"Shit, what time is it?" I panicked, starting to worry for Chloe. I was assigned, by her, not to drink, and to be her 'designated driver.'

He laughed. "Relax, relax. It's only been an hour. We have plently of time to get back to the party." He picked up his hoodie from the grass and shrugs it around my shoulders. We both stand, and begin the somewhat long journey back through the pine tree forest. I located his red pick-up in the same spot we left it. He assisted me into the truck, and this time he buckled his seatbelt. On the ride back to the party, he slowed down the car, allowing me to relex. He parked off the dirt road, and we returned to the party. It was much less crowded, but there were still a lot of people. A bunch of them had removed their shirts and jumped into the freezing lake. More people stood around the fire pit, the coolers, and sat in beach chairs. As my feet touched the soft sand, I saw Brad clutching a soaking wet girl by the shoulders. Is that Chloe?

I ran across the sand to where Brad stood, holding Chloe. She was soaking wet from head to toe, probably from jumping in the lake, like the others.

"Did she-" I shouted, cut off by Brad nodding. I shrugged off Peter's hoodie, as he jogged up behind us.

"Do you mind if I-"

"Go ahead."

I wrapped the hoodie around Chloe's shivering body like a towel. She thanked Peter and I, her intense shivering ceased. I said a quick goodbye and thanks to Brad, before escorting drunken, wet Chloe across the sand. I located her vehicle in the parking and helping her into the backseat. She lie down across the seats, using Peter's hoodie as a blanket. I shut the door silently, returning to where Peter stood in only a t-shirt.

"I had a really nice time with you tonight," I whispered, even though I knew Chloe couldn't hear us.

"I did, too." A smug smile spread across his lips. I leaned into him, lacing our fingers together.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked solemnly.

"Of course," He bent down to kiss my hair, "Now I've got to run. See you around, Amanda."

He disappeared into the pitch darkness of night. I stared after him.

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