Chapter 2

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I Quickly sprinted out of the house and tripped over ( I swearer i broke my arm because it really heart!) but I carried on going. I was thinking of what I was going to say to my dad because I can not tell him I was at that house.

He would be disgusted if he found out. He would ground me for life, so I had to lie.

I got home and secretly went upstairs so my dad thought I was up in my room the whole time but he saw me walking up the stairs. ( Curse you creaky floor boards ) .

It was on the news the next morning.

 My dad was in the kitchen chopping cubed fruit. (Again).

It was ME. I was on the news. someone must of caught me on camera. I hate technology.

But if my dad saw that then he would turn me in. But then ,  I thought if I say it was not me than it would be fine.

On the news they did not know my name. Hopefully no-one  would turn me in. But there is that one  person who probably hates you and will turn you in.You know there is always one person. In my case...........Sarah. She has always hated me. Since year 4 she had me as an enemy. It all started when I accidentally split some banana milkshake on her at our residential. From that day she had hated me.

My dad walked in and saw the TV but I quickly turned it off. Thankfully he did not see it (Thank God.)

I could not sleep that night. Even in school I could not stop thinking about it. Except from food tech.

But people kept on coming up to me and saying were you on the news this morring. I kept on saying it was not me.

I got fed up after a while.

So I turned myself in. :(

Before I knew it I was at the police station. I got chucked in the cell literally CHUCKED!!!!

I was very hungry for ages.I did get fed but cheep ready meals.

 I was not sure what it was in the ready meals but it was gross.

 It had been12 days now and I'm so so so HUNGRY!

As I said all we had was stupid ready meals.

By 'we' i mean the girl next to me called  Kelly.

Kelly is very nice. I'm not sure how she got sent to jail but I think she was very bad because she seems like a very nice girl to me   (if I say so myself).

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