Chapter Thirteen

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Lewis looked unhappily at the unconscious form in front of him. "Did you have to hit her?" he asked.

Jim looked up from where he was securing the schoolgirl's wrists and ankles, and said simply, "Yes. It was either that or let her carry on yelling. Would you rather I left her to tell everyone we pass that we've got her back here?"

"She secure back there?" Crash asked from up front. He risked a glance over his shoulder, but quickly returned his attention to the road ahead – the last thing he wanted was to have an accident while they had a kidnapped teen in the back.

"She won't be waking up anytime soon," Jim assured his partner. "Even if she does, she won't be getting free."

"Good, cuz we're coming up on the switch."

Two streets later, Crash turned onto a side road and slowed the van. His eyes moved constantly between his mirrors and the road ahead, checking for potential witnesses to their moving an unconscious and tied up young girl about. The street was empty, thankfully, and he brought the van to a stop alongside an almost identical vehicle; the only difference between the two, other than the license number, was the name of a local plumbing firm emblazoned along the side of the parked van.

"We're here."

Immediately, Jim appeared from the back of the van. He leaned on the passenger seat as he peered out through the windscreen. "All clear?" he asked, his eyes darting up and down the street.

"Yeah, we're clear." Crash remained where he was, maintaining a watch, while his partners climbed from the van and quickly transferred the inert and trussed up Alice Keating to the new vehicle. It took barely thirty seconds to move the girl, and once it was done he drove off up the road to park the van.    

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