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Graduation is only a day away! I can't believe graduation came so soon! Paige and I can't stop hopping all over the house. " Were going to be highschool graduates! We made it baby! ". Paige and I keep chanting all over the house that we made it out alive this school year. I call Kyle to see what he's up to. We just finished taking our finals and graduation is upon us. Kyle finally got over the stomach flu and he's feeling better. I ask my mom can Paige and I head over to Kyle's house. She doesn't mind and lends us fifty bucks each for our pockets. I knock on the door and Kyle opens up. " Hey guys, come on in ". I can tell he feels a lot better. The living proof is in his bright and beautiful smile. He's so cute and handsome. He offers us something to drink. " Are you guys ready for graduation? ". Paige can no longer contain the excitement of graduation. She finally exploded with energy as she's bouncing off the walls. While Paige is having a party within herself, Kyle and I go into the next room.

" I'm sorry about last time, I never did finish my sentence about us becoming more than friends. It's just I had second thoughts about you liking me ". His cheeks remind me of two plump tomatoes. I've never seen someone blush so hard before. I rub his back and tell him to calm down. He's breathing way too hard, but I know he can't help it. To make everything better I take the lead. I plant a short and friendly kiss on the cheek. He's shocked by my sudden behavior. I can tell he doesn't know how to react. He reacted in the strangest way possible. He glanced at me one more time. After comprehending what just happened, he passes out cold. Did I do something wrong?


Grab your graduation caps because its time to GRADUATE! Today is the last day of highschool! As the moment approaches us, we are getting ready for one of the biggest moments in our whole entire lives! I'm going to cherish every moment I have left in this building. This was a tough school year, and I'm so glad its finally over! I get to leave everything behind. Its time for a fresh new chapter in my life and I'm planning on enjoying it. Paige, Kyle, and I decide to take off for a year and see what we want to do. Despite everything that has happened, attending college just doesn't float our boat right now. Getting away from school for a year is what we all need.

I notice how the day goes by really quick, and we're already preparing for graduation. " I'm so nervous. Should I wear my pink dress with these white pumps or my light blue dress instead? ". Paige cracks me up. This girl is always worried about her clothes, but since its graduation I have more consideration. " I think the pink dress would look best on you ". She nods her head and continues getting dresses. Its not like anyone's going to see our outfits anyway. Our graduation gowns droop so low to our ankles.

Kyle stops by to pick us up. All of our parents are already there. This is so exciting! Paige keeps bouncing everywhere congratulating people. I don't blame her, so I join in. As they're lining us up one by one, Kyle swoops by and picks me up in his arms. " We're graduating! ". I can feel a celebration coming on. He puts me down gently and does the unexpected. He leans in and presses his lips up against mine. Before I know it, we're already kissing in front of our fellow graduates. For my first kiss, I never thought it could be so long and yet so passionate. When he let's up, he plants another kiss on my forehead. All I could do is giggle and kiss him on the cheek. There are a lot of emotions floating through the air right now. As I feel the wind brush past my face, I realize how lucky I am to still be alive.
Before the graduation ceremony takes place, Paige is the first one  crying. The atmosphere is so lovely, yet sensitive. Our valedictorian, Kent Kruscave begins to prepare for his speech.

" Everyone please take your seats as we are about to congratulate our 2016 graduates! Congratulations to the class of 2016! Today we are thankful for surviving another year at Raigewood High. ( The audience laughs ). Most importantly we appreciate each and everyone one of you. The class of 2016 has wonderfully demonstrated what its truly like to be strong. Only a few make it out alive, while some never see life again. Even though we've lost a few of our Raigewood soldiers between the last two years, that doesn't mean that they weren't strong. They will always be missed and never forgotten. For their sakes let us not weep in sorrow, but let us live on in their strength. Throughout all four years of highschool, the class of 2016 has immensely shined through all of the dark days Raigewood High has ever had. Now to lighten up the mood, let's begin with presenting our honor students for the class of 2016! ".


The crowd goes wild as I hear a loud roar stretch from one side to the other. I've never heard anything this loud before. As the honor students make their way around the stage, myself included, a long line has been made. I see Kyle and Paige walk up next to me. " You guys graduated with honors too! ". They give off a prideful smirk. " Of course, the spotlight isn't just on you Gabriella ". She nudges me. We all laugh as we hear our names get called for our diplomas.


" CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2016! " . We all jump up and throw our caps in the air. We finally graduated! Our lives begin now as we're looking forward to better days. We drive home really quick as we're preparing for project graduation.

When we return home the following morning, Kyle, Paige, and I crash at my place. We stayed up all night at Six Flags. All the seniors from different schools were there. It was a  blast!

I woke up around eight thirty at night, and peeked in on Kyle. Awww, he's so adorable in his sleep. I rub his cheeks and cover him up. I look over to my right and Paige isn't covered up at all. What is wrong with these people? I cover her up as my phone begins to vibrate. Hopefully its just my alarm I forgot about. I check my phone and nothing could be more unpleasant.

As I swallow hard, I could feel my mouth getting dry. My hands are sweating as I'm losing grip on the cellphone. Nothing could demolish my life so instantly. I try not to throw up while reading this text message.

[" Congratulations 2016 graduate! I hope you enjoyed the after party as I'm about to reign on your parade! This new year belongs to me as I make your life twice as miserable. Get ready for a fresh new start on tonight's killing spree! This game isn't over yet and if you think everything ended with Bobby, then you're in for a rude awakening! I let you have your little celebration, now its time to have mine. Bobby wasn't the mastermind behind anything, he was just my little pawn. Like I said, I warned you about one of your friends working only for me. Unfortunately for Bobby, he got caught. Doesn't make sense does it? I know it doesn't. As I sent every text message to you, Bobby chose to play along so sinfully. Surprise! Gotcha! Bobby isn't the one you're looking for. As your perfect little world comes to an end, I will continue to haunt your life until you find out who truly lies behind this mask. You will never see it coming until it is too late. Enjoy your life while it lasts, because the killing rampage is about to start! "]- Unknown .

                  *,*, *,*,*,*,*,

Nothing is ever complete. Nothing is ever enough. Nothing is ever resolved. I've lived through this once and made it out alive. Nothing is impossible. I just know that the story isn't over, but I'm about to end this chapter very quickly. I've made too many mistakes in the past year that I'm not willing to make again. In this time around, I'll work alone. Hopefully death doesn't come knocking at my door, but if it does, I know risking my life to protect others would have been worth it. We all have to die someday, so why live in vain? If we learn to work towards something important, our accomplishments will live on forever.

...The real question is, how many lives will I be able to save before my time is completely up?

...Only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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