A fitting to remember

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'Arias POV


I found my way to Ezra's apartment the next day after school. I was stressed out and drove to a bar 6th period, so my breath smelt like vodka. I walked in and Ezra had me sit on the couch. He could tell I was drunk so he tried to help me. He left and I remember pouring something in his drink. That part was a blur, but the next part wasn't.

Somehow we ended up in his bed making out. I pushed him down yanking off his shirt and kissing his neck, I don't remember ever stopping.

~end of flashback~

I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. My feet were sore and my stomach felt wierd again.

It has been a month since Ezra was in jail and also a month since I cheated on Jake with Ezra. I havn't heard from Ezra since. Sometimes I wonder if he just moved on or if he just doesn't care anymore. I was confused and lost in my own mind.

I remembered something though. My period would be coming any day now. I checked my calender and noticed that I was wrong, it should have came 2 weeks ago. My jaw dropped. I started to panic which made my stomach hurt. I ran quickly to the bathroom and found my self throwing up.

I sat by the toilet as my brown curls sat at the edge of my face. We used protection, how could this happen? I thought more and more until I found my self speechless. Did me and Ezra use protection?

I settled my self down. "Im fine!" I told my self. "Ezras smart, he would use protection. I can't be pregnant."

'Ezras POV

Every day I sit by the phone expecting my self to call Aria, but something always forces me to not.

The past few weeks have been hard. What do you do if during the night you are cuddling with the love of your life and in the morning shes gone?

I decided to just leave her alone for a while, maybe thats what she wants. I stood up and went to the fridge to make my self a quick snack. As I pulled down some crackers from the shelf, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Jake.

'Arias POV

"Hanna settle down on the food." Spencer shouted out with a giggle here and there.

"Hey, im hungry and this tastes good. Leave me be."

We all smiled back at hanna. Spencer, Hanna, and me met at Emily's to start our plans for prom. "I say we sart at Barry's for a dress." Emily suggested. We all nodded excited.

"God I cant wait!" I brought up.

Spencer quickly shouted after I was finished talking. "Finally! A year we all have dates!"

Hanna checked the time. "We better get going to the dress fitting." We all agreed and went out to Barry's.

I finally found the perfect dress. It was a strapless teal sparkle on the top and a silky ruffled gown on the bottom. The lady who was fitting me was starting to sew the back part.

She had her black hair in a cute messy bun and her leather heels matched her work dress.

"How many weeks?" The lady asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Well, your bump is just coming in
so im guessing your 2 or 3 weeks in, maybe 4."

"I am not pregnant!" I shouted with a stern look.

"Trust me, I have done many fittings in the past years and I know a baby bump when I see one."

I smiled a squinty grin at her. "Well maybe this time you have it wrong."

"Ok, but by the time prom is here, your pregnancy won't be a secret anymore."

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