"Who were they Ara?", Reji asked.
"Oh ,I'm sorry their were my friends from elementary school and we use to be very close but after moving in with you guys I lost all contacts and couldn't contact them", I said to Reji .
"Wat do I make for them since they are coming over"?, Reji asked
"Anything you like",I said with a smile and was damn happy.
We reached home late and went to bed after showers.
The next day I was happy to met the gals in mall but sad because I came to the mall only with Ren, Subaru, Kanato and Kai and the rest were at home .we had lunch together and did a lot of chit chats .Soon it was afternoon and Mia told me that they will be home at 7pm because of the homework.
I went home and as soon as I stepped in the house I was shocked and shouted in disbelieve.
"You guys didn't come with us , so that you could bring geisha in the house shame on you and Reji I never expected this from you", I yelled at them but was no use because their were a bit drunk while shouting at them a message come and it was Wataru.
I'm in demon world but plizzzzz dont tell my brother I want to surprise them so can you pliz pick me up from the airport🙏🙏🙏.
"Ren ,I'm going to the airport because dad has sent a package for me I'll be back at 9 so pliz tell the gals to wait for me", I said and went out.
I drove to the airport and it was 8pm so I looked for Wataru and then we drove back home we were both happy because Wataru was with us and my friends were coming or had already arrived I had no idea.
I opened the door and was just shocked because the house was in a mess and Ren,Subaru,Kai,and Kanato were tied up on chairs with tape on their mouth.
I went to them and asked"Wat happened here and were are the gals?".
I removed the tapes from their mouths while Wataru untied them.
They all just stood still .I was about to ask them again when I heard someone crying very slowly so I looked at them and told Wataru to stay with them.
I followed the crying sound which lead to Ryou's room , I opened the room and found Ryou drunk and sleeping on his bed but someone was crying near at the bed corner.
I turned the lights on and covered my mouth in disbelieve as tears ran down my cheeks .
"Sinb, wat… happened and why are your clothes torn?", I said hugged her.
"He… he raped us you brothers raped us Ara the ones tied down stairs tried to save us but they tied them up and forced us ", Sinb said crying and hugged me.
We got up and I walked to each and every room and found Mia in Reji's room,Yerin in Ayato's room,Yui in Ryan's room and Yuka in Liato's room.I quickly got them changed and told them not to cry because we had a small boy in the house who came to surprise his brothers and will be heartbroken to hear it.
I made them wait in my room and used a special spell to clean the house and get Reji and the rest conscious from the alcohol they drank.
After Wataru was gone with our driver I called the guys down stairs and Ryou and the boys were shocked.
I went to Reji and slapped him saying"you are so disgusting Reji Haikodou and so are all of you".
"Ara, we are sorry ",they said in unison.
"Shut up and dont say my name from you mouth ", I yelled.
"You guys are disgusting and I hate you jerks ",I yelled.
"Ara, calm down ", Subaru said.
"No!, they raped my friends and you are telling me to calm down", I yelled
"I did not rape anyone ",Reji said looking at me.
"Reji, you raped my friend Mia", I said pointing at her.
"I did not rape Mia because I made love with the girl I love and want as my wife",he said looking at me.
"You raped…. Wait Wat your wife", I said in shock.
"Yes I want Mia as my wife", Reji said.
"Yes me too, I want Yui as my wife", Ryan said.
"Are you guys kidding me", I said looking at the girls who were shocked.
"Do you want them", I asked my friends and they nodded ,"but you guys said that they rape you ".
They did not say they wanted us as their wife so we thought they just wanted our body", Mia said looking at me.
"Omg, I have five sister in-law and now I have just two boys to choice from😘😘😘", I said in happiness.
Days went by and my friends/sister in laws were getting everything ready for their wedding with my five caretakers/friends.
The wedding was done on Friday and Reji gave me the news I had forgotten.
"Ara, now only Subaru and Ciel are left so you better get ready to choose one ".
"Reji if you don't want to Mia crying over your death then stop spoiling my mood".

My Vampire And Demon Fiances
VampireHi I'm Ara kaidou .I am a vampire but not an normal vampire I'm a A class killer vampire since I lost my brother Zero. My dad is the ruler of the devils and ghouls and my mom is the ruler of the wolves and angels.because of my negative dreams and...