vape town (rydon)

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"brendon i need mkre paprr" ryan said with that he was off to asia
"but ryan out printer is full of paper.,, o no i am too late he is gone oh well gusss i'll just have to take care of dotttie for that nerd"

ryan cane back with no power and instead walker intk the house surrounded by a dine mist
brendon looked horriried "ryan no.../ dont go to the dark side"
ryan smirked "to late vuckaronialonichi"
"ryan... we get it
you vape"
"that's it in quitting the band good riddance and im taking the exclamation point with ne"
brendob shook his head tsking ryab "so long and goodnight my dude do i have to credit yuou for the next 3 panic alnuns that are about you"
"no because i wont credit you in my one albun i release even thi i promised new music and so does hevjing dan god dannit dan"
brendon pushed his hair doen into emo fringe "hello internet, goodbye ryan" he awkward finger
gunned ryan out of the room out of the house and out of his life forever until halloween party

the end

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