Using the cover of darkness, the pair slipped into the night. Dale was busy and did not notice the extra two figures, one tall and slim the other short, weave their way into the city. A preparation of war.
They found Gandalf and Bard conversing "this is a fight they cannot win," rationalised Bard to the wizard. Elfreda nudged Bilbo into sight from their hiding spot behind a pillar.
"That won't stop them," he said "they will fight to the death to defend their own,"
Sudden realisation pained Elfreda's heart.
"Bilbo Baggins," sighed Gandalf. Bilbo smiled and gestured for Elfreda to appear. She too stepped forward and smiled at both wizard and man. Gandalf like he over, recalling the event in the ruins of Dol GulDor, his eyes resting on the bandaged hand at her side. He had seen it then."This is the halfling that stole the keys from right under the noses of my guards?" Thranduil gestured. Bilbo nodded and murmured a guilty "yes". Bard grinned to himself. The ointment had arrived for the burns on Elfreda's hand and she sat next to the bow man applying a tiny amount to the raw skin- it felt infinitely better.
Bilbo looked for encouragement but Elfreda nudged him to get on with it.
"I came to give you, this," began Bilbo, unraveling the arkenstone from a tatty piece of cloth. It glowed on the mapped table. All three council members stood and gazed it. Bilbo explained he took it as his fourteenth share.
"Thorin values this stone more than anything else. In exchange for its return I do believe he will give what you are owed,"A whinny came from the stables and Elfreda's heart lurched from her chest. She ran up the path to find a man trying to tame the horse. She pushed the man aside and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Kasper," she murmured into his ear. The stallion flicked his tail and caught the back of her head. Elfreda laughed into his coat.
"There's been a bed made up for you, lady," said Alfred. She ignored him. The man tried to tell her again but Gandalf dismissed him telling Bilbo could have it instead. Alfred hobble away, muttering to himself.
"Let me see your hand," he said. Elfreda knew better than to refuse and gave him her healing hand. The wizard cast his eyes over it.
"You've inherited quite some power, your father will have not been expecting that,"
Elfreda sighed " I don't think even I expected this," Gandalf let go of her hand so she put it back onto Kaspers head and scratched between his ears.
"The war tomorrow will start a new turn of events. After this, you must go into hiding again. Start a new life. Rohan will offer you a place of safety."
Shaking her head, Elfreda refused "No Gandalf. Not this time, too long I have hidden from my life. I will fight from tomorrow onwards to protect Middle Earth until I take my last breath."
Gandalf's eyes softened and a sorrowful smile made his face seem older.
"To war then."
"Yes, to war."

Daughter of The Darkness
Fanfiction"I have not had dealings with dwarves or anyone in too many years than I care to remember, I never want to either, I'm not ready- the world never will be ready for me" "The world may not be ready for you, but without you, I fear the darkness will re...