30. Sparring #2

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3rd P.O.V.

"W-What?" Sachiko looked at Riku in shock as did Kirito, who decided to spectate.

"I said I love you." Riku smiled at the greenette as her shadow clones 'poofed' away. In a flash, Riku was behind Sachiko holding a kunai at her neck. "Gomen, but you're out, Sachiko-chan." The said girl didn't move an inch as her attention was caught by a figure heading straight towards them from the sky and very quickly.

"DON'T WORRY MY DAUGHTER, DADDY WILL SAVE YOU!!" The figure shouted as it started to come closer.

"Subaru-san/ Otou-san, dattejane?" Riku and Sachiko looked at the man flying towards them. When Subaru got closer the duo finally caught on what the flying man was doing... but it was too late as Subaru's foot made contact on Riku's face, extremly hard that it sent the poor boy through three trees, knocking him out.

"Is my baby okay?" Subaru asked his confused daughter as he searched for buises and cuts.


"Subaru." Kirito glared at the said man. "Ya disrupting their training." A cold breeze flowed between the two men as Kirito hovered his hand over his ninja pouch that was on his left, while Subaru gripped the handle of his new sword. A dark storm was brewing as lighting roared through the sky confusing the only genin that was concious.

"So you want to finish what we started, just the two of us?" Kirito smirked in reply signaling that he agreed. A stray leaf that fell from a tree glided down between them and when it gently landed, the two men sprinted forward shouting their battle cry.

???'s P.O.V.

Those two idiots. 'Will they ever learn?' My mind wanders to when I was having a disscussion with the perv. "Nagisa, wake up, dattejane!" The girl with lime green hair that stands out and an orange outfit slapped her unconcious teammate. After a few slaps he woke up, slapping her back, and fell unconcious again from lack of air by the greenette choking the poor boy attemting murder. 'All of them are truly idiots! And to think I had to babysit one of them!' I facepalmed when I started hearing the sounds of a goat coming from the boy that was being choked. 'What the? I don't even want to know.'

With a sigh I jumped to the boy who was kicked into a few trees and patched him up. I noticed a strand of my orginal hair over one of my mask's eye holes I quickly ripped the piece out and let it blend into the grass. I hate wigs. "Mm..." The boy groaned as his eyelids slowly opened. In a flash I disappeared from his sight and hid behind a tree watching his movement.

Riku's P.O.V.

I could hear the sounds of clashing, shouting and something similar to a goat? My face hurts but not as much as I thought. I noticed a strand of hair that was next to my hand as it blended well into the grass. I picked up the strand to find it was the same as Sachiko-chan's hair colour. "Must've accidentally cut off a piece of hair from Sachiko-chan." I should probably apologize to her. I ran off into the direction where I heard the sounds.

Once I reached there, I instantly knew what was going on. Kirito-sensei and Subaru-san are fighting while Sachiko-chan is shouting at Nagisa for slapping her when he regained conciousness while choking him, making the sounds of a dying goat occur. 'Am I the only sane one here?'


Why did I have to be stuck with this team?


"Here we go, dattejane!"



(Comment your vote/nominate for who should win Sachiko's heart!)

Riku - 15
Kakashi - 14
Nagisa - 7
Gaara - 6
Itachi - 5
Sasuke - 5
Naruto - 2
Lee - 2
Neji - 1

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