Left (Scott X Reader) #4

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"Scott you slept with her, there's a reason. What was it?!"

"I was drunk! I couldn't control myself! I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"Scott if you had the slightest idea of what was gonna happen, why'd you do it? You didn't have to drink and get drunk."

"I was trying to get my mind off all the things you make me do!"

"Ugh, get out of my house!" You snarled.

"This is our house!"

"Fine! Then I'll leave!" You snatched your keys and stomped out the door.

"Wait, I'm sorry! Y/n, no!"
Before Scott had time for more pleads, you had shut the door and started the car.

Your friends were on vacation so you couldn't stay with them. So you stayed in a hotel, using your hard earned money to pay for the room.
Scott was leaving many, many calls and you left him to voice mail. 

'Y/n. I'm sorry! I wish you'd pick up. I've been leaving like, dozens of messages! I'm sorry, you have to forgive me!'

'Hey Y/n. I made your favourite dinner tonight. Remember when you used to come here to eat it. I'm not so sure it's as good as yours, but-'

'I miss you, Y/n. Sorry'

You knew in your mind you couldn't forgive him but your heart thought something else.

"He's a fool, you can't forgive that swine!"

"He's sorry, give him another chance."

You went with the most trustworthy idea. You were gonna see Scott.

After a few minutes of driving, you arrived at the house. Your house. You knocked slightly on the door and within seconds, Scott was standing in front of you. He looks like he hasn't showered in days, his hair's a mess, dirty pyjamas.

"Scott what- what happened to you?" You peeled the sweaty robe off his body and put it on the couch.

"You left. That's what happened."

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