Loyalties and Insecurities

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Requested prompt on Tumblr: BTS reaction seeing their s/o in another's members sweater/jumper?

Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut | Hybrid

Rating: General | Teen | Mature

Word Count: 1360  

It's been a long day, today. Y/n was out attending her classes and then she had to go shopping. College and shopping in the same day was just asking too much. Her feet hurt. Especially after that monstrosity of a dance class she was taking. She groaned as she walked around to look for the toner and cleanser she needed.

"Y/n!?" a surprise someone said. She turned around and saw a masked guy looking at her. Those eyes only belonged to her favorite maknae and the said maknae was giving her a bunny smile as he removed his mask after realizing she could tell who he was.

"Oh hey, Jungkook!" Y/n smiled tiredly, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to get something, but could you seriously tell it was me?"

"You post your masked and hooded selfies everywhere. It's not that hard," scoffed Y/n.

"Well aren't you all peachy today! What's wrong?" Jungkook asked as he put his mask back on and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. I had classes till 5:45 pm today and then I had to walk here and I had to dance in heels and I haven't eaten all day, so basically, I'm hungry, tired, and cranky."

"Wow. Seems like an eventful day," Jungkook said amused, "You should just be an idol instead. You have dance practice from 12 am to 6 am and singing till 10 am and then training or shoots till 6 pm and one meal a day. It can't be that hard."

"I should. If I'm going to starve myself all day and work my ass off, might as well look good all the time and get paid millions. Where do I sign up?" Y/n said as she found her toner and cleanser. She walked towards the cashier and placed her items on the counter. At least there was no line at the convenient store. That's why she bought OTC stuff rather than brand name.

"Nevermind," he said as he put his stuff on the counter as well, "This as well, please," Jungkook said to the cashier as he paid for Y/n and his stuff.

"Why are you paying for my stuff?"

"Because I want to."

"Aish. This playa. I'm taken, biatch."

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just being nice. And hyung would kill me."

"Awwww. Can I pinch your cheeks?"

"Don't you dare, Y/n. I will leave you here. I swear."

"Give me a ride, Kookie. Be nice." Y/n said excitedly following Jungkook like a puppy.

It was getting dark and chilly. Y/n shivered as cool wind hit her as she stepped out. It was already the end of September, but the weather was so weird. When Y/n left the house this morning, it had already felt like an oven, so she hadn't even bothered with any kind of cardigan or sweater.

"Where did you park? It's so freaking cold!" Y/n whisper-yelled as her teeth chattered and she rubbed her now cold hands against her bare arms to get some warmth.

"Just like three more streets down. I just wanted to be safe. You want to wait here? I could go get the car." Jungkook offered with a tight smile,

"And get kidnapped? No thank you," Y/n said dramatically. Jungkook rolled his eyes at her and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? What happened? Did you forget something? Answer me!" Y/n continued as Jungkook handed her the bag he was holding.


"Calm down! You won't even let me talk. How am I suppose to let you know?" Jungkook said making a face as he took off his pull-over sweater and handed it to Y/n.

"Oh my lord," Y/n gasped, "but you'll be cold. I can't do that."

"Chill, Noona. I'll be fine," He said with a smile as he took the bag and Y/n's school purse so she could put the sweater on. Since she was shorter than him, it went down to her mid-thighs. Successfully covering her shorts and making it look like all she wearing was his sweater. Y/n cuddled into it and Jungkook looked at her sweetly. He stopped his train of thought from taking it too far.

"This is so warm and cuddly!!! And it smells like you," Y/n said warming her hands in the sweater paws and bringing it up to her mouth. Jungkook closed his eyes to avoid thinking about his Hyung's girlfriend in a way he shouldn't.

"Do you want me to drop you off home or you want to go to the dorms?"He said changing the subject and walking faster towards his car.

"It's the weekend tomorrow. I'll have Jin Oppa drive me to my house."

"Tell me why I have to drive you around despite being younger than you."

"Cuz you ma bitch."

"I want my sweater back," Jungkook said shaking his head as he reached the car.

She cuddled more into the sweater and rolled her eyes as she got into the car and gave him a toothy smile, "Jk. Because I didn't want to drive and I hate traffic."

Jungkook shook his head and drove off towards the dorms.


Jin laid in bed frustrated as he thought about his argument with Y/n. He knows he's being unreasonable, but he just can't help it.

Y/n walked into the dorm happy and giggling in a sweater Jin recognized. It reached mid-thigh and gave the perception that she was all naked underneath that warm piece of clothing. No matter how many times he had seen her naked and beautiful in all her glory, he still got butterflies thinking about the fact that he was the only one who could see her that way.

His train of thought was stopped short as the owner of that sweater came in digging through a paper bag and handing her two bottles and her handbag.

"Here, Y/n. Use it well."

"Thanks for paying, Boo!" she said giving him a wink and holding out her hands covered in sweater paws to collect her belongings.

"No problem, Y/n" Jungkook said blushing and Y/n giggled and cooed at him.

Jin felt a pang of jealousy looking at the two. Y/n was closer to Jungkook's age than him and he saw the way these two always interacted and he couldn't help but make a snarky comment.

"I believe her proper title is 'Noona' for you, Jungkook."

"Oh. Hi, Hyung," he said startled as he ran a hand awkwardly through his hair, "Y/n doesn't like it when I call her Noona."

Jin raised an eyebrow at that and Y/n plopped on the couch cuddling into the sweater and bringing her legs into her chest as she wrapped her arms around her legs, "He's only like a few months younger than me. It isn't necessary."

Jungkook's eyes darkening at the sight of Y/n wrapped in his sweater on the couch with her bare legs leaving little to the imagination did not go a miss by Jin.

"Why were you guys together anyways?" Jin asked in an accusing tone that Y/n caught on to.

Her smile fell as she unwrapped herself, "what are you trying to say?"

"I'm not trying to say anything. I'm just asking why you're in his sweater and why is he carrying your stuff? Weren't you suppose to be at college?"

Y/n smiled sadly as tears threatened to drop, "Aren't trying to say anything, but still said everything you shouldn't have, Oppa."

She picked up her stuff and looked at Jungkook, "sorry to bother you again, Kookie, but can you drop me off home?"

"Don't question where my loyalties lie because your insecurities asked you to. Call me when you have your priorities, straight. Good bye, Oppa," She glanced and Jin before walking out the door followed by Jungkook as Jin stood their with his eyes closed as the door closed behind them slowly.

Jin tried to call again as he sat up on his bed frustrated but no longer angry at anyone but himself. He's got to stop doing that. He sighed as he was met with another voicemail.

He got out of his bed and put a cardigan over his pjs as he grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter and made his way towards a very familiar road.


Note: I'll post a part 2 tomorrow of what I actually think you wanted ;) Thanks for the request! 

BTS One Shots (Requests Open)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin