Beat It

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Beat It {{18}}

I turn up the volume of my Michael Jackson CD. I went to a few of his concerts and he was fabulous. He's one person I never met, sadly.

Beat It blares and I don't even care. The other offices can hear me and complain all they want. Want to know why? Because Gary will be getting all the nasty calls and not me. I know, I'm pure evil. It brings me joy.

"Beat it! Beat it! Something something defeated!" I sing. I have no idea what these words are. You would think after hearing this song a million times and it being my ringtone I would know the words.

Gary rushes in my office with out knocking.

"I'll let it slide once." I say over my shoulder as I out away files.

"Ma'am-" Gary says out of breath.

"Miss." I correct.

"Miss." I can tell he is rolling his eyes. I head him shaking something and breathe in on his inhaler. Did he just get back from a marathon or something. His desk is five feet away.

"What Gary?" I ask once he's caught his breath.

"Leo is in the hospital he's been beat up!" He rushes out. Gary takes another whiff of his inhaler.

Well that's ironic.


I rush, in my heels no less, to grab a cab and go to the hospital. I walk past the front desk because try will want to stall me on trying to find him, so I'll find him myself.

Leo is in a bed at the emergency room getting patched up. He looks awful. Good.

"You idiot!" I hit him with my purse.

"Ow," he turns his head to me, but winces.

"You stupid stupid idiot." I hit him again. And he yells again. I was going to say worse but there are children present. I'll keep it PG. I compose myself. The nurse runs to his bed.

"Is everything all right?" She asks.

Leo says no and I say yes at the same time. "Well if you could lower your voices that would be great." She smiles and walks off. I feel like that question was directed towards me.

"What the hell is your problem?! I'm always cleaning up your mess! Is this payback for you rescuing me, you think it'll be fun to get mugged and then have me baby you!" I whisper/yell.

It's the same kind of whisper yelling mother do to their kids when their in public and the kids are being brats.

Yeah, same one. I'm the fantastic, exhausted mother and Leo is my bratty kid who's about to be sent to military school if he keeps this up.

Sorry. I get distracted when I'm mad at someone for being stupid. So I get distracted a lot.

"I wasn't mugged." He says quietly and closes his eyes. If he thinks he is going to sleep when I'm trying to yell at him, he's mistaken.

"Then what? You slipped on some ice or you did this yourself?" I plop myself on the chair next to his bed and lay my purse next to his legs.

"I'm fine. Go to work." He weakly smiles and closes his eyes. Why is he being nice? It's probably the drugs their giving him.

"Oh no, you're gonna listen." I smack his bandage forehead and he hisses.

"What?" He says through gritted teeth.

"Who the hell did this?" I ask again.

"Phil. Ok. Are you happy? Let me sleep."

I leave Leo there and go outside to calm down. I really need a cigarette. Too bad I don't smoke.

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