Cold covers your body when you leave warm library where it was madly cozy. Your handles hide in warm pockets of a jacket and you sniff, looking at the dark sky.
Roads were absolutely empty, already three o'clock in the morning and aren't enough who goes on night roads. You close a door in library and having checked, safely you leave on a path uslypany sheets.
You look down, examining leaves under legs. Memories gushed over you as if an avalanche on the head, well or a stool. You perfectly remembered your first meeting. Then you were dressed in a light coat, but wind so took seat that you to horror froze and then Harry approached you and wrapped up in a coat.
There passed exactly half a year after your parting. You completely plunged into yourself, suffering from awful pain. But what to do now.
You go along the bridge, looking around. Under your look the men's silhouette gets that climbed through an ogorozhdeniye. In his hands there was a huge bottle of whisky that proved that he isn't sober and creates now unconsciously.
- Hey, where you?! - you shout, quickening the pace on a meeting to the man.
Already you run to the man, but you stop when you see a familiar shock of soft curls.
The person familiar to you opens hands on the parties that forces you over again to start walking to him.
- Harry? - you whisper, stammering.
- Baby? - it is drunk sentences curly, being developed to you.
- Hay, keep, please, - you continue to stammer from nerves, slowly approaching him.
- Babe, why you here? - he asks, squeezing strong a handrail not to fall.
- Get down, well, - you pronounce, plaintively looking at him.
- And you will remain with me? You will forgive me for everything, sweet? In general, you will marry me? - it is drunk Stayls, перелезав to you mutters.
- Yes, - quickly and disturbingly you say, taking him by hand.
- You are such magic. I am such fool, forgive me, - Harry reeling a little, kneels before you, kissing hands. - I want to be only with you. The kid, I won't release you anywhere, hear? You will call me also how you spoke to my nonsense?
- Cake, we will go home?
- Of course, crumb.