"Go to Hell, you bastard!" He yells out.Michael's fist gives Liam a forceful blow to the face, and he's pushed back onto the table, which has trays full of food on it. Blood drips from his nose, and he narrows his eyebrows angrily. Salad dressing, ketchup, and pieces of sandwiches cover his clothes now, and a few faint giggles are heard from a nearby table. I didn't dare make a single sound. I'd lost my voice again due to my nervousness, but this time I really needed to say something or else Michael would be crushed by Liam's giant meaty arms.
"What the fuck was that for?" He asks angrily, wiping off a streak of blood from his nose and getting up from the table.
"For making my life a living Hell!" Michael raises his arm to hit him again, but Liam catches it in his own hand then swings him over against the table, covering him in food as well.
"So that's how you want to play it, huh?" A faint smirk appears upon Liam's lips, and I knew for sure now that he meant trouble. They had battled so many times in the Online World, but what would the outcome of it be now that they were actually fighting in the real world?
"Guys, stop!" I yell out, attempting to break up the fight.
Michael groans in pain, wipes off the food from his clothes, and steps in front of me, giving Liam a hateful glare. "Serena, stay out of this. This is our battle, and our battle to fight alone. I can't let you get hurt by this monster ever again."
Liam quickly lunges towards him, swinging his fist to Michael's left cheek. "Better watch your mouth, Sullivan."
Suddenly, students from nearby tables crowd in a circle around Michael and Liam, chanting their names, and some of them even take out their phones to record the event. "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Out of all things, why would they cheer them on at a time like this? Honestly, I was beginning to think that I would never understand High School kids.
Before Liam can do anything else, Michael pushes me out of the way, defending me from the beast in front of us. He grunts and then gives Liam a competitive smirk. "Alright, enough with your pitiful attacks. Even if I'm not in a video game anymore, I still have the same agility as I do in Alfheim Online." Just then, Liam's jaw drops open, as if he'd just been able to comprehend what Michael was saying. Well, at least he knew now that Michael was Lycus and I was Allora.
As Liam opens his mouth again to say something, Michael has already prepared himself for his next move. "Now's a good time to put my fighting skills to use." As Liam runs to him, Michael avoids his attack by jumping up onto Liam's shoulders, and slamming Liam's head against the wall. Liam struggles to stand for a bit, but he manages to get up with the help of one of his friends.
"Your moves aren't all that bad, Mike." He says with an evil grin. Bruises now cover his cheeks, and he has a black eye due to Michael's fierce attacks. "But I'm going to win this once and for all to make up for all those times that I wasn't able to."
Michael is suddenly pinned to the wall by two of Liam's friends. Both of them looked just as strong as him, so it wasn't hard for them to hold down Michael against his will. He struggles to get himself free from them, but he fails. Now Liam is walking straight towards Michael, with his fists ready to attack.
Why can't I move? I have to do something about this!
My legs felt as if they had been glued to the ground and my throat ached too much to even speak. I couldn't bear to look at Michael or Liam. I force myself to turn away so I wouldn't have to witness this horrible fight any longer.
"LIAM GREENE. GET YOUR HANDS OFF THAT BOY THIS INSTANT."The voice was very deep, threatening, and adult-like. Obviously a teacher or maybe even a coach.
I look up to see that everyone crowded around Michael and Liam had moved aside to let a tall and beefy man pass through along with Isaac and Alyssa by his side. Had they told him about the fight happening?
As soon as the man speaks his name, Liam instantly put his fist down, and his friends that had pinned Michael to the wall finally let go of him. Luckily, Liam hadn't left a single scratch on his face yet. The teacher/coach speaks once again, this time to both of them. "What the heck is going on here?!" He yells right into Liam's ear, and he winces a bit.
"C-Coach Russel..." Liam purses his lips together, terrified of the man in front of him.
"Well? Speak up, Greene!" He shouts back.
"H-he started it!" Liam stutters, pointing to Michael.
A few other people speak up as well. "It's true!"
Coach Russel shoots a glare at Michael. "Is that true?" Before he can even reply, the tall man interrupts him. "You know what? I don't even care. Both of you are coming with me to the Principal's office to get this settled once and for all."
Once he finishes speaking, both Liam and Michael follow him out of the Cafeteria. I'm tempted to follow them, but I make myself refuse. But to my relief, Michael looks back at me one last time and gives me a bit of a hopeful smile. Then he disappears out of the Cafeteria.
"Well that was... interesting." Comments Alyssa awkwardly.
"Need a hand?" Isaac reaches out his hand to me, and I take it as he helps me back onto my feet.
"How the Hell are they going to explain all this to the Principal?" I ask.
Isaac shrugs. "I'm having a bit of trouble taking it all in myself." He sighs. "To think that I've hated him for years, and all this time he ended up being my best friend again through Alfheim Online. It's weird to think about."
"Do you believe me now?" I ask him a bit pridefully.
"Of course I do." He replies. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Serena." He gives me a shy smile, and I decide to accept his apology.
"So let me get this all straight." Alyssa interrupts. "Michael is Lycus, Isaac is Aaron, Liam is Draco, and Holly is Vivian?"
"Apparently so." I say. My mind wanders over to Michael again. How bad would he get in trouble? He'll be suspended for sure, no doubt. "I'm just so worried about Michael. What if he gets in really bad trouble?"
Isaac purses his lips together for a moment to think of a reply. "If he does, I'll testify against it. All three of us should defend him. He's been there for us so many times, so now's our chance to do the same."
I nod. "Great idea. They'll have to believe us if three witnesses defend him against Liam!" For once I actually felt a bit of hope.
"We should totally do it." Adds Alyssa.
Just as we're about to walk out of the Cafeteria and make our way to the Principal's office, a voice on the intercom stops us.
"Serena Carson, Isaac Thompson, Alyssa Sterling, and Holly Greene to the principal's office. Again, Serena Carson, Isaac Thompson, Alyssa Sterling, and Holly Green to the principal's office."

Gamer Girl: An SAO/ ALO Fanfiction
FantasyIt's been almost a year since the Sword Art Online incident, and while everything has been going on fine in the Real World and Online World, Serena Carson was never really good with being 'social'. But when it comes to social media, she is the exact...