Chapter Seven

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Please comment if you enjoy, I like knowing whether or not I'm sending things into the abyss <3 (Also In the last chapter, I kept switching back and forth following Hermione and Draco and I sort of liked it so I'm going to keep doing it) Shout out to Grammarly, I wouldn't make any sense without it.

Draco Malfoy stood up, finished with breakfast. He had only had an oddly large green apple that he had mostly just tossed around in the air. His friends weren't much fun lately, mostly getting involved in Parkinson's drama or whining about the arranged marriage.

Draco wanted someone to talk to. Someone who could intellectually challenge him and have an actual debate with him instead of giving in because they're a love sick pug. But he didn't have time for that today because he needed to research the mirror. He headed straight to the library.


Hermione looked over at Harry and Ginny who sat happily, holding hands. Ginny caught eye contact with Hermione, she gave her a weak smile. Hermione had no appetite at the moment, she looked at food and just saw something that would keep her alive in this terrible world.

Glancing over at the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy tossed a green apple around in his hand, It had a few bites on the side but it seemed that he had mostly just been tossing it. She sat, bored with her friends. Ron was busy sitting far away with his new girlfriend, Parvati Patil.

They had been paired up for marriage. His shallow behaviour and her girly behaviour matched together perfectly. They sat closely a few people down.

Hermione's attention was caught when there was movement at the Slytherin table across the room. Draco stood up and left the room. She quickly dismissed interest.


Draco entered the library and walked over to the desk. Madame Pince was sorting through books, ignoring his presence.

"Excuse me," Draco said, "Do you know exactly where I can find Hogwarts, A History?"

"Yes yes," She said hastily, "Right over there, third bookshelf to the top." She pointed a finger to a bookshelf. He nodded and walked over. Right where she said it was, the large book stood. He grabbed it and pulled it down.

Draco took a seat at a desk in the library, flipping the book open to the table of contents.

Mandragora's use in 1992,

Merlin's influence,

Mirror of Erised,


He flipped to the page.

'erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi'

"The hell?" Draco muttered.


Hermione got up from the table. Why did she even bother going to meals if she hardly ate anything? She'd usually only have some bread or fruit at dinner time and that was it.

It wasn't like she didn't feel hungry, she just found food unappealing. Hermione knew that she should be eating more and she knew that she was being extremely unhealthy but she couldn't bring herself to eat much.

She also hadn't been outside the castle since she arrived. She'd mostly just pay attention in class, get good grades, and lay around. She had enough thoughts to occupy herself in her alone time.

However, she didn't have that same spark in her that she first had when she arrived at Hogwarts at the age of eleven. This year she hadn't been raising her hand to answer and she wouldn't really answer at all unless she had been called on. She was just a shell of her former self.

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