Which Writer Are You?
There are hundreds of types of writers in the world and I don't mean the sorts of genre, or whether you plan your novel or go with the flow. I mean... well, that's a bit hard to explain. I'm not very good with words.
Ha. Ha. That was a joke...
The Pessimists Ender
Every story you write has to have a bad ending. I mean, come on, happy endings aren't real life. The murderer gets away with murder, the couple don't end up together - whatever the genre, happy endings are not your style.
I tend to like these novels, many don't, it's a matter of opinion. Keep it up and your ending is guaranteed not cliché.The Character Analyser
You spend way, too much time developing characters rather than the plot. The characters are thorough and detailed. It's not too bad to be this sort of writer, too many times I find one-dimensional characters. But, if you do find yourself typing away at a character description(again) just slap yourself on the wrist and force yourself to work on the plot. The first 60 pages should just be seeing where the novel is going, but after that? You really need a plot-line!The Insomniac
That writer that takes possibly years to spit out a book due to the fact that they only do their good writing late at night. Your creativity comes out in the middle of the night.
These writers can be my favourites but also the type I despise the most. They either spurt out some of the most incredible writing I've ever read or some of the worst. It can either, so get some sleep during the week and pull and all-nighter and see what you get in the morning.The Cliché Artist
No.The Erotic Writer
Look, don't get me wrong - I prefer a bit of something in my book because it's realistic, but--yes, there is a but--even if there's sex scenes left right and centre, you need a plot line.
If you don't write Erotica and are like me, who likes a hot and steamy scene here or there, and are writing a book like that. You can only write what you have in experience, or at least be realistic. And while porn is aimed at men, Erotica is aimed at women. Please for the love of god, don't aim your book at men. If you try selling an erotic book aimed at men, you'll fail miserably.
The Word Puke-r
Majority of writers are indeed just over detailing their novels. It's sort of a phase every writer goes through. I went through mine a year or two ago. The trick is to get the right balance of detail. Let's just get this straight; unless it's essential, nobody cares about where furniture is places in a room. That's a giant mistake.
Say your character answers the door and find someone peculiar at the door. Don't explain what they look like and then explain why they are strange by stating 'they were drenched' or anything of the sorts. Say that their 'golden hair stuck to her face as droplets of water trickled down her cheek'. That's just an example. You can go into detail later.Liked this chapter? Vote!
Let me know which writer you are and why by commenting!
If I have missed out on any writer, just comment on this chapter what type of writer they are and why they should be there.
Write Well or Die
Non-FictionWrite Well or Die is purely written to help those who are learning to write creatively, or those who need a dictionary shoved down their throat.