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       Glow watched in horror as Clay was thrown into the arena. The blood and sand clumped around his claws, and Glow was desperately thinking of a way out of this. What could I possibly do?! I can't kill Clay! He's my friend, and Pyrrhia needs him! And I can't even kill Peril, even if I wanted to. Glow then looked over to see Peril striding into the arena. When she saw Clay, it was as if every emotion in existence hit her at the same time. But when she saw Glow with her new injury, her face adorned anguish.

       "I should have guessed." She said, low so that only they could hear her. "The only dragon who can touch me. No wonder she wanted me to stay away from you."

       "I guess you should have." Clay retorted. Peril visibly flinched.

       She looked over at Glow, guilt and shame dancing across her face and swimming in her reluctant blue eyes. "And the only dragon who ever stood up for me or acted like my friend." Peril stared straight into Glow's uncertain amber eyes. "I'm sorry, Glow. This is all my fault."

       Tsunami was dragged onto the balcony, wrapped in chains and seething with anger. Corona, Evenstar, and Frigga were not far behind, looking helpless as they realized what was about to happen. "There you go, Peril. Those are the dragons you have to kill before I set your mother free. Have fun!"

       Glow stepped towards Peril, without fear and without hesitation. Peril sidled away, looking nervous and uncertain. Glow felt a little better now. She doesn't want to hurt me. She doesn't want to hurt either of us. They're my friends. I can save them both if I can figure out how. But the real question that was brimming in Glow's mind was if it would be without cost, or if Glow would have to sacrifice something for it.

       Peril instead slid towards Clay, and he shot towards the opposite wall. Peril hesitated, but then put on a burst of speed and pursued him, while Glow could only watch, unable to realistically do anything. Clay waited until she was close, then body-slammed her into the ground.

       The crowd roared with shock and excitement.

       Peril lay there gasping as Clay got up and ran back to that side of the arena. This was the first time since Glow had first met Peril that she saw how scrawny Peril was and how physically unfit she was. Her fire was the source of her power, and she lived on a diet of dubious black rocks. It was obvious that her muscles and body strength were underdeveloped and hindered. This was the first time someone could fight Peril and win.

       Clay crouched and waited for Peril to attack him again. She slowly got up and walked towards him again. Only this time, she stopped a short distance away. "I'm sorry." She said regretfully. "I know you're mad. I made a mistake. I just – I thought you were trying to get away from me."

       "Well, I am now." Clay said. Glow winced. She could see how Peril's betrayal had stung him.

       "I don't want to kill you." Peril said, clawing the ground in frustration.

       "Buuuuut you have to." He finished.

       "I had a whole plan. A plan where I saved you after Kestrel, and you liked me best of all." Peril said.

       "Peril, that's insane." Clay responded. "I don't care if you save me. I want you to save my friends. That's what's important to me."

       Peril suddenly snarled. "I'm your friend! You don't need them!" She leaped at his head, and Clay lifted himself upward, throwing her over him and into the wall with a thud. Glow had to shift backwards to avoid the impact. She felt completely helpless. There was nothing she could do. They would kill each other, and Glow would have to be forced to either kill one of them, or let herself be killed by the other. Clay darted to the other side of the arena again before Peril was about to get back up to her feet.

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