Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious.
I saw how the blonde threw herself toward Marco to kiss him. He made a face of pain and pushed her away.
"Are you fucking nuts?" He asked cleaning his mouth.
"Stop calling me like that!" Marco exclaimed.
When he saw me on the bottom of the stairs he opened his eyes widely and raised his hands to stop me.
"Louise, I can explain-
I swallowed hard.
"Who is this?" The blonde asked Marco while pointing at me.
We all looked at each other in amaze. The blonde clenched her teeth and came running towards me. I jumped and took a couple of steps back. Marco grabbed her by the waist to push her back, away from me.
"Stop! What the fuck!" He yelled at the woman.
She was moving her arms, trying to get me. She wanted to hurt me.
Her brown eyes were filled with anger and hate.
"Adele stop!" He yelled but the woman kept fighting him to get me.
"Louise call the police now!" He exclaimed.
I nodded quickly and ran towards the black living room.
So this is the "Adele". I felt anger running thru my legs and hands. My ears were burning.
Is this his girlfriend? Or another whore? Soon I realized, I know nothing from his personal life. I felt bad for myself.
After I called the police, I returned to the entrance and saw the woman standing in front of Marco. He was speaking in German with her, she was crying.
"Du musst damit aufhören, das ist ungesund! (You have to stop this is not healthy!)" He said to her.
She walked towards him. Her eyes were filled with tears and Marco didn't moved.
"Ich kann nicht (I can't)" She said to him.
"Ich habe dich mehrmals angerufen, aber du bist nie drangegangen (I have called you multiple times and you never answer)" She said moving her hand around. She was shaking.
Marco shook his head and sighed loudly.
When she spotted me, she cleaned her tears and tried to run against me again. This time the woman was quicker because Marco slipped and almost fell. The woman pushed me to the floor and I hit my head.
I felt the pain on the back of my head and closed my eyes. She was way taller than me, almost the same height as Marco. She was probably a model. She was screaming a lot of stuff in German.
"Du verdammte Hure versuchst mir meinen Mann wegzunehmen (You fucking whore, trying to steal my man)." She was yelling at me.
Marco stood and ran towards us, he was trying to grab the blonde by the waist but she was fighting back again.
"I am going to kill you!" She exclaimed in English this time, maybe because she wanted me to understand very well her threat.
I felt so panicked.
I was so afraid. Marco finally pushed her away and helped me to stand from the ground, he wrapped me in his arms, trying to protect me from the crazy woman that was yelling from the ground.

Patient Love - Marco Reus Fanfic
FanfictionIt all started with a piano concert, the night he met her and the night their lives changed forever. Status: Complete Please do not steal my stories, let's respect the intellectual property. ©footballcrown