Still hurting

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Not much happened the remainder of the week, Sam had work so I spent a majority of my time sulking around the house and crying to chick flicks. I have to be honest I missed connor and wanted to see him, but I knew I would only get hurt. It was now Thursday and I had decided to get some work done, as I knew sam would be dragging my out on the weekend. I opened my laptop to find the email still displayed on the screen my eyes started to tear and I tried to hold it in. I logged out of connors email as a tear ran down my cheek. logging into my emails I found I had many from work most had been from my boss or co workers on the same area of the project. However, there was one from one of connors employees, "hello lex, how are you?, I just wanted to tell you that Sara and Connor have been hanging out a lot lately and everyone here thinks shes going to get the assistant promotion? I know you can't tell me exactly who has it but could you please let me know if its her? Love you lily" Lily had worked for Connor since he opened the restaurant and we had grown close ever since I felt bad for not telling her what had happened and angry that he may promote Sara, so I replied straight way. "Hey lil I've been better, how are you? Just to let you know Connor and Sara are together or at least sleeping together. Since I know you dislike her, (like everyone) I would recommend maybe getting a new job if you believe he'll promote her over you as you deserve a better boss anyway. Love you too, lex"
I know it seamed sour but it angered me that she had to second guess despite her commitments to her job over the years. After sifting through the other emails from work I started on my left over work from friday which would be the last of my work for this new model design ready to be pitch next week.
After working for 5 straight hours I had finished my design, not that there was much left to do. As well as my PowerPoint presentation, Just as sam walked through the door with pizza and wine.
Sam talked about her day at work and how her recent conversations with the girls' numbers she got on the weekend where going. She often just left them go as conversations got boring. Whoever, this time she hoped one girl would stick around.


Don't like this chapter that much but its leading to something bigger. :)

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