Run Away

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  As I woke up, I just started running, I couldn't stop. All I remember is leaving my father and heading out into the forest. It was bright and early, and the birds were chirping. I was still running. I soon collapsed to the ground.

My eyes were a bit blurry, but I could see a young women, a bit older than me, wearing a red cloak, she had dark brown hair. "Here, let me help you." She said as she, pulled me up with her hand. "Thank you." I sigh.

"What's your name?" She asked. "My name is Ella." I couldn't tell her my full name, she will realize who I am. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ella. My name is Red." She said. I smiled.

"So where are you from?" She asks me. "Um, around here." I said. "Out for a morning run?" She asked. "Sort of. My father and I had a fight last night, so I ran off." I explained to her. "That's a bummer, well your welcome to stay with me and Granny." She said. "Thank you, so much Red."

"No problem, here I'll introduce you to Granny." Red and I walked into the warm house, her grandmother was knitting a scarf. "Granny! I want you to meet someone." Red said. She looked up.

I smiled. "This is Ella. I was hoping she could stay with us for a while?" Red asked her. "Of course, their is a spare room over to the right, it's nice to meet you Ella." She said. "It's nice to meet you to." I say.

"Hey, can I show you something?" Red asked me. "Of course." I said. Red and I went out the back door of the cottage. She then, went over to a spot near a tree and started digging. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She stopped digging and looked at me. She then sighed. "I found something, the other day. It was a box of some sort, and I was afraid to open it." She said. I nodded. "I understand." So she continued to dig, then she finally took out the wooden box. It was beautiful, it had all sorts of designs on it, but wait, on the center of it, had my mother's Symbol of a star. I gulped. "What? Is something wrong?" She asked. "No, nothing's wrong. I'm fine." I lie.

I walked closer to red. "What do you think is inside?" She asked me. "I have no idea, why don't we find out?"

Then she opened it. There was nothing in it. We both sighed. "It was worth a try." I said. She nodded. "Maybe I should keep it, you know for keeps sake." Red laughed. I nodded. "Sure why not." I say.

So we brought the box inside and left it in Red's room. "Girls! It's time to eat!" Her grandmother yelled. Red and I ran to the kitchen. Granny made her famous fried chicken, without the bones. It was the best chicken I ever had.

"Thank you Granny!" We both said, as we walked away from the table. "Ella, may I speak with you?" She ask. "Of course."

"Red." She signaled off Red to leave. "I know who you are, and if you hurt Red, I swear, you will be killed." She just glared at me. "Who do you think I am? Why would I hurt Red!?" I said. "Your the daughter of a monster. You says you aren't the same." She said quietly. I soon became furious when she called him a monster. It was never his fault, he never wanted to become a monster. He has reason's for his doings, one of them was to protect the ones he loved. Including me, he wanted me safe. Thinking about him, made me homesick. But I have to be strong, I don't have to be in my father's grasp. I don't need him, I need to find myself once again.

"You alright?" Granny asked. "I'm fine." I lied again.
So it's been a few days and I'm still at Red's cabin. Lately Red has been hanging out with, her boyfriend, instead of well, me. Since I've been home sick lately, I decided to go home. I left a note to Red and her grandmother saying:

Dear Red and Granny:

I appreciate all the wonderful things that you have done for me, but now I must go home. Granny already knows, but I should tell you my secret, the one I have been keeping from you Red. I'm the dark one's daughter.  If I told you, I thought you would fear me, like this world does to my father. Thank you, I will see you both again.

Sincerely Ella

I took me a while to get home, but it was worth it. I walked in and saw my father spinning his wheel, he looked heart broken. "Father." I said. I walked up to him, and through my arms around him. "I'm sorry." I started to cry softly. He then stopped spinning. "Ella." He softly said. "Oh, thank gods. Your okay." He whispered in my ear as he god up and continued to hug me, tightly. He nuzzled his face into my neck. "It's ok." I said.

We then soon separated from each other's grasp. "Where's Belle?" I ask. His emotion soon fades away, he looks more sad and disappointed in himself. He gulped. "Belle's dead." He says with a tone of anger in his voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said as I held his hand.

"What happened?" I asked him. "I let her go, and I told her I never loved her, I never wanted her, because she deserved someone better than me. That one night she kissed me, and I freaked out. So she left, and I got a message telling me that she died, she threw herself off the tower, because of her father, her father tortured her and I couldn't stop it, I didn't know." He said slowly and softly. Then he said, "The truth was, I always loved her, I always have. She died thinking. I never wanted her." He cried. I knew I should never have asked, it was to painful for him. I rubbed his shoulder, and I rested my head on his chest. He grabbed a hold of my back, and we stood her for what felt like ever. "I thought I lost you." He said. "No. Father, you could never loose me, I love you to much." I said.

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had school work, and I had writers block. Hopefully I'll update sooner! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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