Chapter Twelve

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Before we leave, I put on my mom's jewelry. It's not easy. My hands shake with nerves, and while I get the earrings in after a few tries, the delicate clasp on the necklace proves harder to manage. By my fifth attempt, I'm swearing and fighting with hair that already fell loose from my bun.

Gideon pretends to be interested in the herbs again while waiting for me, but when I finally snarl as the clasp slips from my fingers yet again, he clears his throat. "Would you like help?"

"No." The chain slithers from my hand like something alive, and I have to make a quick grab to catch it. "Shit. All right, yes."

His fingers lightly brush against mine as he takes the ends of the necklace, and something flutters in my belly as he moves in close. My tank top has a low neck, so when his arm grazes me, it's skin on skin. And even in areas where he isn't touching me, I feel the heat of his ink sink through the thin material of my shirt. My bra, too.

Despite myself, my face grows hot. Kinda impossible not to think about sex in a position like this. Kinda impossible not to wonder whether Gideon thinks the same thing, because he suddenly clears his throat and shifts until his arm is away from my chest. "This is a very elegant design."

"Thanks," I mutter, feeling like my cheeks have gone supernova. He's ducked his head a little to see the clasp, leaving his mouth only inches away from mine. Now I really can't stop my mind from going there. Why did I never notice how nice his lips look? Wonder if they feel just as good...

Guilt flashes through me. Oh, God. I really am interested in him. Even though, in the end, he probably wouldn't stir up anything stronger than Elliot ever managed to.


The necklace suddenly settles around my throat, clasped together. I flinch, the blood draining from my face as quickly as it rushed up there. For one horrible moment, the cool metal feels like Valentine's clammy tongue, sliding along my skin.

"Sorry I startled you," murmurs Gideon, and steps back.

I shake my head, fighting for words. Christ, how could I wonder about Gideon's mouth on mine? I'm two minutes away from breaking into a house to stake my neighbor. Stupid, stupid.

Trying to ignore the lingering feeling, I fuss with my hair. "It's nothing. I'm just not used to wearing jewelry. This was my mom's."

"It's very good silver," he says, back to waiting by the kitchen door. "Probably even pathfinder origin."

"It worked on Valentine, anyway." Grief briefly throbs through me as I grab Gran's purse, the same one I used while in Glimmer. The wooden stakes fit inside it easily. Let's just hope I don't end up in a position where it'll get bloody.

When I silently offer one to Gideon, he only shakes his head and sends miniature lightning crackling up his arm. Still not believing the whole vampire thing, then. It's a little annoying, and I buy time to keep calm by checking the stakes for cracks. The thought of one splitting on me twists my stomach into knots. They came from the supply shed for the communal garden, made to support young trees, so who knows if they can even take being stabbed between human ribs. But, it's all I have.

As if sensing my doubts, Gideon says, "Are you sure about this?"

I settle the purse over my shoulder and move for the kitchen door, wanting to get it over with. "Laci specifically said wood. Maybe silver only burns vampires."

"I meant attempting to kill him."

"Oh. Yeah. Are you?" It never occurred to me that he might try to ruin my plan, and I give him a sharp look as we step into the garden, scrutinizing his expression for any hint of reluctance.

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