The clear glass marble struck the table with a dull sound. It rolled towards the edge of the table, though it caught the black sleeve that lay in its path. "Are you going to answer me?" Silence followed the question. "Are you even listening?" More silence. "Don't you dare fall apart on me again, because I won't pick up the pieces ever again."
More tense silence filled the empty grey room. Inky hair fell against the man's pale skin, his bony hand gripping the marble, raising it several inches off the centre of the table. The speaker sighed as the marble dropped again. "Why are you so facinated by that damn thing? It's a marble. There are millions, if not billions, like it in the world. Why is that one so special?" It was clear to tell the man wasn't interested in conversation and that his questioner was getting impatient.
"He gave it to me. A few months after I met him, he placed it in my palm and closed my fingers over it. The marble isn't special; he is, and it's the only piece of him remaining." The man's voice was barely audible and broken, clearly from him not using it for months on end. He hadn't spoken until he met him, and not since he left. Well, I say left, but... "Seriously? The only reason you keep that stupid piece of glass is because of him?!"
The speaker seemed incredulous. The man nodded. The speaker scoffed. "I cannot believe you. You do know that he's the reason you're here, right?" The man nodded. "Then why won't you tell us what he did and why?" The speaker's hands landed on the table with force.
"Because I won't sell him out, and I won't give up on him. He might've left, but he's still alive, and I won't let him down. I loved him. I still do, and that will never change." The man glared at his inquisitor through long, thick, raven eyelashes and equally thick and dark hair. "Why won't you say his name if he means so much to you?" "Because Gerard Arthur Lee Way isn't a name you throw around." The speaker leaned back into their original, frigid posture and position, crossing their arms over their chest as they smirked; exactly what they wanted to hear from Frank Iero was him to say Gerard's name- that's all they needed to get him.

Frerard--Reality and Its Variations
FanfictionFrank Iero isn't what you'd call "normal". He hadn't spoken a word since his birth. Until he met the strange man with the strange scars. The man changed everything. He brought Frank's past to light, his love to show, and his whole world to turn...