Student/Teacher Roster (updates)

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Name: Christina Hart

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Name: Christina Hart

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Ace

Weapons: Large Hammer

Magic Type: Mind Warping, she has an ability to manipulate minds and put people in a fake environment (kind of like witches in the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magia)

Species: Half human/half elf.

Room: Guidance Councilor's office


Name: Annie Rather

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Name: Annie Rather

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homoflexible

Weapons: Flaming shurikens

Magic Type: Healing, she can accelerate the speed of how someone heals. She can do it on multiple people, but the more people she heals at a time, the slower the healing is.

Species: Neko, flame tribe.

Extra: She aspires to be a nurse and build up her magical strength.

Room: Female Dorm Room #1



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Name: Melog

Age: 1* (Constructed 1 year ago, mind of a teen)

Gender: Male* (Biologically none because golem's are genderless constructs, but usually uses male pronouns)Species: Ice Golem

Sexuality: Asexual (Golem, after all)

Weapon: Icicles

Magic Type: Ice powers, mostly minor ones like lowering the room's temperature or freezing a glass of water

Species: Ice Golem

Room: Male Dorm Room #1


Name: Kaylub Madison

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Name: Kaylub Madison

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Weapon: Catapult that shoots enchanted marbles

Magic Type: He can enchant any object to be toxic if absorbed into the skin.

Species: He is a human, but he is a special race who has an extreme immunity to poisons and venom. Their blood is also more poisonous than anything on Earth.

Room: Male Dorm Room #1


Name: Kylie Madison

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Name: Kylie Madison

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Anyone she can get her hands on

Weapon: A magical staff with poison-injecting needles on the bottom

Magic Type: She can manipulate any source of water to become very alcoholic, so much that it could cause extreme poisoning.

Species: Look at Kaylub's race, she is related to him.

Room: Female Dorm Room #2


Name: Katie Madison

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Name: Katie Madison

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Weapon: Daggers

Magic Type: She doesn't know yet

Species: Same as Kaylub and Kylie, they are all siblings.

Room: Female Dorm Room #3


Name: Ferox (It means "arrogant one")

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Name: Ferox (It means "arrogant one")

Age: 375,654 years

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Weapon: Hellfire.

Magic Type: Demonic.

Species: Thrall (Lowest class of demon)

Fetishes: Older looking women/guys (he looks about 17), bondage, and everything under the sun that doesn't involve bodily waste, rape, or feet.

Other: If you comment on his not wearing pants being a dress code violation then he'll call you a racist.

Room: Male Dorm Room #1

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