1: The New Student

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Hi everyone!

So, right now, I am pretty much excited for this story to, maybe, make a big hit, so let's get this show on the roll!

Declaimer: I do not own Detective Conan because I don't have the power of perfect creativities of coming up with different ways of killing/murdering innocent people. And no, I was not thinking of becoming a serial killer. At all.



"Everyone, please make sure he feels comfortable and right at home in this school. He came from America, so that means he is not familiar with Japan's society, yet. Especially you Kuroba Kaito."

The teacher gave him a warning glare, which he just smirk back. Everyone flinch, but tries to not think about it too much. Considering that maybe he'll give them a break from all those pranking he just did to their hair.

"All right. You can come in now."

The door slowly slides open, before the new student hesitantly walks through and revealed himself to them. Everyone's eyes were officially wider than the moon itself as they take in all of the features that the student could ever give them in their life.

'S-so big!'

The student heavily, yet lightly, made his way up the board before turning fully towards the classroom. They noticed how his cheeks are really chubby as a squirrel's and the fact that his glasses are big enough to cover almost half of his face are astonishing (maybe). His eyes are a bit squinted yet they seem to get a feel that he can see quite clearly in every corner of the room. It would take them some time to notice right away of what seem.... unusual about him. Kaito Kuroba, however, is different from the rest of his classmates. He would sense something.....unusual in almost every single things that he can take credit for.

'What's with this guy?' He thought.

His eyes.....they hold something more than what he seem to be. They hold some sort of strong intelligent as well as secrets that must never be revealed.

This caught Kaito's interest immediately as the new student seem to feel a stronger sense of attention from somewhere in this room. He immediate turn his head to the front corner of the room, near the windows, and lock eyes with Kaito's.


The idea that the new student was holding something back immediately dissolves his suspicious as Kaito stares intensely within a pool of ocean blue that seem to shine his pupils brighter, along with the contrast of his glasses. Though he may or may not have noticed it but along the eyes were little highlights of dark bags that contradict that the new student wasn't one who easily get enough sleep, which seem to worry Kaiba for unknown reason what so ever.

It wasn't until Sensei encourage the student to introduced himself.

Lovely azure eyes that are hidden behind his glasses; he turned back to the front of the classroom and began to introduce himself.

"H-Hello. My name is Kudo Shinichi. N-nice to meet you."

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