Why..... Why demon?,

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Distant echoing voice

"Life is lonely.
You can't love someone without getting hurt. This world is broke. I am broke. I learned that the day my heaven died. The day I started to act insane. I didn't want to have anyone to love, so I pretended I was crazy. Insane. Psychotic. Mental..."



*blood splatters on face* "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
T-there t-t-there..... dead!
"Hijoshikina! What is I-"brother
*she stares as her big bro's head gets a knife stabbed into it* "aaaaahhhhh!!!!!"
"Aishimasu-chan" *she says as her voice wobbles a bit* g-g-g-gone. There gone. "Come here little girly!", says the masked man with and insane sadistic voice. Run! *she runs and fast as she can down stairs* knife knife knife where is it! Wait! My dad's gun is in the locked cabinet. I open the cabinet and there's a pistol and a katana. Wait... Since when does my dad own a sword? Whatever, I need it right know! P.s. my readers. Hijoshikina knew the lock code.  I took my aim with the gun and shot three bullets. Two bullets hit him. Each hit one leg getting rid of his ability to run for awhile. The other sadly missed. I went to the living room to find the phone and call 911 . I kept him busy until the police came. But I hide for the last 5 minutes. When the police came the the masked man was gone. No one was there. They had all the evidence that the killer wasn't me. But the killer was gone. All they found were his bloody clothes. His clothes looked like this. They were kind of odd.

My parents had a good amount of money that of course was given to me

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My parents had a good amount of money that of course was given to me. I felt kind of scared taking over the account like that, but it was my only choice. I sobbed over my family's bodies for hours, and no one stoped me. I loved them so much, and they probably want me to be happy but I can't without them! And I swear... a blood swear, that if I ever see that guy again. I will make him wish he had never been born. He'd be in my torture. In my lonely.......

Yay! Second chapter . Sorry the plots going so slow but the main plot will come up soon!
By the way I am going to have a ship, are you ready? It's my oc x.........

You have to read to find out!  I'm a jerk. XD

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