An hour later, I was sitting at our table, alone again, nursing an almost empty bottle of Jack. It was my third one, and I was completely smashed by this point. Kate had went off with Louie somewhere, and I suppose Geoff got tired of me constantly shooting down his advances, because he left, and I saw him over at another table, sucking faces with some blonde girl. After my rather odd conversation with Oli, he had bought our drinks and we both went back to our respective tables without another word. But, he hadn't left my mind. It didn't help that I could hear him talking from where I was sitting, his dreamy accent making it a bit hard to concentrate on anything else. I would rather be anywhere else, but I was stuck here until Kate wanted to leave. We never left each other, which is why I was so sure that she hadn't left the bar with Louie.
Someone sat in the chair across from me, and after struggling to focus for a moment, I recognized Oli's perfect features.
"So, here's the thing," he started, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I can't get you out of my head, and I don't know why." He stopped, seeming to think for a moment. "Actually, I do. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever fucking laid eyes on. You're positively stunning, and at the same time, you seem complicated. You have a story, and I want to know it. I want to know you. But I'll only be in New York until tomorrow night. Hardly enough time to get to know you. With that out of the way, I only have one thing to ask you. Will you come on tour with me?" Even in my drunken state and knowing he, too, was drunk, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of Oli Sykes wanting to know me. He thought I was beautiful. The excitement only lasted for a second, however.
I looked down at the bottle clutched in my hands. "You don't want to know me, Oli. You don't want to be pulled into my complicated life. And I'm hardly beautiful. You're drunk, and-"
He cut me off. "Stop. Just stop it." He reached across the table and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, much like he did earlier. I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes in confusion.
"You think so little of yourself, don't you?" My eyes watered, and he continued talking before I could say anything. "It's ridiculous, really. That someone so beautiful can think they aren't. Your life may be complicated, I don't know. But, trust me, love, when I say that I couldn't give less of a fuck." His gaze locked on mine. I knew he had alot to drink, but he seemed sober in that moment. "Something about you has pulled me in, and if I were to let you go without even attempting to know you, I would never forgive myself." I stared into his eyes for what seemed like hours, but was only a few seconds. I had always wanted to know what tour life was like. And, here was the opportunity presenting itself to me, along with the man of my dreams. Do I go? Or do I stay? Stay in my routine life, my safe little shell, where I knew anything that went on. There was never a surprise moment for me; I never allowed it. I was careful. Do I let Oli pull me into his world of music and impulsive decisions? Dare I take this chance..?
I pulled my hand away from his, reluctantly. "I can't, Oli. I'm sorry." I can't just leave Kate to fend for herself. I stood up from the table and ran off, ignoring his calls after me. I pushed through the crowd, looking around for Kate. I spotted her dancing with Louie somewhere near the center, and rushed over to her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the entrance, ignoring her protests. Once outside and in a nearby alleyway, I breathed in deeply, hoping the outside air would help clear my head. Nope. Kate turned on me, then.
"What the hell was that?!" She shouted at me. "I was dancing, in case you didn't notice. I was having fun!" She turned to go back to the bar. She paused, and without turning, said, "I'm tired of you being such a drag all the time. You always bring me down. When I'm having fun, you never fail to ruin it. I can't be around, keeping you from the edge all the time. It's time you learned to stand on your own." With that, she left the alleyway, going back to the bar. The nerve of her. I took a step, ready to run after her and shout obscenities at her, but something stopped me. She kept me from the edge? I needed to learn to stand on my own? Someone has it backwards. I kept her from killing herself with all the drugs and partying, I saved her several times when she overdosed or had alcohol poisoning. I was the one that was always there for her. I was always there after every heartbreak, I was there to pick up all the pieces. Maybe that's what stopped me. I realized that she didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve how I cared for her. She was never there for me. She didn't know even half of the things I've went through. How dare she? Fine, she can leave. But, she won't be able to come running back to me.
I exited the alleyway, spotting Oli leaning against a streetlight that had went out. Perfect, means I don't have to go back inside. I strode over to him confidently. His back was to me, meaning he hadn't noticed me, yet.
"Oli." I tapped on his shoulder. He spun around, his face only centimeters away from mine. I don't know if it was the alcohol in my system, or the anger still rushing through my veins from my encounter with Kate -whatever it was, I was thankful-, but I seized the moment, I made an impulsive decision then, the first of many. I gripped the front of his button-up flannel and pulled him closer, lifting my face so our lips met.
Fireworks. The fireworks that the love stories always talk about. They shot through my body, starting from the point where our bodies were connected, tingles ran through my veins. Goosebumps rose everywhere on my body. I felt.. right. Like I was finally where I was supposed to be. Nineteen years of wondering why I was even alive. Now I knew. I was meant to find Oliver.
He was frozen for a second, but only a second. His hands gripped my hips, pulling me tighter to him, if it was even possible. He licked my lower lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips, allowing him in. We fought for dominance, but he won, unsurprisingly. I flattened my hands against his chest, and pushed him away to catch my breath.
"If the offer is still open," I started, panting, still trying to catch my breath. "I would love to join you on tour."
He didn't bother responding. He flashed that perfect smile, before pulling me into another breathtaking kiss.