The Oracle's Daughter by BabyDollBlush

175 4 2

What is this book about?

This book is about Ariane who has just had her 18th birthday. She plans on spending time with her family when voices start to find home in her head. Ariane finds herself locked in an unknown home by an anonymous tattooed woman. This is when Ariane is invited to join them, and she agrees to live like them. With the help from Daisy, Ariane is destined to find out who she really is, deep down. 

Who is my favourite character?

Definitely Ariane; not because she is the main character but because she willingly goes out of her way to help others. Hopefully, she gets what she deserves and finds out who her true friends, true love and true family are.

How would I describe this story in one sentence?

This book is the miraculous story which transforms Ariane from a girl to woman, making a few true friends and finding love on the way.

What's the thing you first noticed when looking at this book?

I know this sounds strange, because usually the writing would intrugue me first but the cover actually have me really interested. The whole blending of two photos along with the mystery begind it had me needing more.

RATING: 8/10


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