Selena’s POV
"Mmm I can lay here forever" I smiled as I felt Justin's lips against the top of my head. I was laying partially on top of Justin with his arms wrapped around me on his couch watching movies.
“Mmm me too. After I take off my shirt because I am really hot” he said sitting up causing me to giggle. Something came to my mind and I smirked at the thought.
“What?” justin asked looking at me. I noticed he still hasn’t taken his shirt off. I leaned in a pressed my lips against his and felt him kiss back immediately making me smile. I reached for the bottom of his shirt and slowly pulled it over his head, breaking the kiss for only a moment. our lips began moving in sync when I felt Justin’s hand move behind my back and gently pushed me down on top of him.
I was now straddling him and I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly accepted. We were making out for about 10 minutes when we suddenly heard the front door open, causing me to jump off of justin and our moms walked into the living room.
“Well I sure hope yall were planning on using protection” my mom said looking between me and Jjustin.
“What? What are you talking about?” I asked laughing trying to play it cool and act like nothing happened but obviously I can’t do that with my mom.“Well judging from the fact that he’s shirtless, you’re standing there with your hair all messed up and your top halfway up your stomach” I looked down seeing she was right. How did I not notice him lifting up my shirt? “Its pretty obvious something was happening here” she finished.
“With all do of respect, nothing was going to happened. I would never pressure your daughter into doing something she is not ready for” Justin said standing up from the couch. I looked at him and for the first time ever, I realized something.
He is my one true love. I know, it sounds cheesy.
Justin’s POV
"Yup. Definitely my son" my mom smiled as she made her way into the kitchen. "Mandy how do you like your coffee?" she called out to Selena’s mom. "The same way I have it at work" she called back. Sometimes I swear they act more like sisters then friends. But I guess they’re just closer than I thought.
“You’re a good kid Justin. Don’t hurt my daughter” she said. “I dont plan on it” I told her. I felt Selena wrap her arms around my waist as I brought my arm up around her shoulder.
“Alright. Pattie is my coffee ready?” Mandy yelled as she walked into the kitchen making me and Selena laugh.
“I love you Justin” Selena said looking up at me.
“I love you too Selena” I said leaning down to kiss her.
“And Justin put on a shirt I do not feel comfortable with the fact that you are shirtless infront of my daughter” I heard Mandy call from the kitchen.
“Mom I have seen many shirtless guys believe me I can handle myself” Selena called back causing me to look at her raising an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” her mom appeared in the doorway. “Yeah. Excuse me?” I joined in.
“Wait, that’s not what I meant! I meant from like movies and pictures of Channing Tatum and other celebrities” Selena said quickly.
“I am way better looking than Channing Tatum” I said. “Of course you are babe” Selena gave me smile which I knew was fake and patted my chest. “So am” I mumbled under my breath.
“Mandy give them a break and come here and finish your coffee” my mom called. Mandy gave Selena a glare and walked back into the kitchen.
“I’m still hotter than Channing Tatum” I said as I sat down on the couch and Selena sat on my lap. “Oh let it go” she said shaking her head and turning on the tv to Teen Wolf.
“You should definitely work on your upper body. You got nothing compared to those werewolves” Selena smirked and started to pay close attention to the show. Well then.

Show Time (Jelena)
FanfictionJustin Bieber is Stratford High's biggest loser. With rumors spread that he killed someone. Selena Gomez is Stratford High's most popular and hottest girl. Super kind to everyone and everyone likes her. Some maybe too much. Justin has a crush on Sel...