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"Ichigo why are you so late?" Rukia sat in a chair facing the door Ichigo entered the house through. "Wha...What?" Rukia stood and shouted at him. "You are exactly five minutes off from the usual time you get home! Explain yourself!" Ichigo looked at her confused. "I don't get home a specific time...and your mad about five minutes?" Rukia sighed and crossed her arms. "So irresponsible.." Ichigo frowned and yelled at her. "How is that being irresponsible!?!?"

"Ahhh~, so you ran into Hichigo again.." Ichigo nodded and Rukia sat beside him on the couch thinking. She was the only one who knew his feelings toward Uryu besides Hichigo and Chad. "What did he say?" She asked him. "Basically that he believes he has more of a chance with him than I do." Rukia was silent for a moment thinking still. Suddenly she got up and ran upstairs. Ichigo looked confused for a moment. She was up there for a while and just when Ichigo stood to go check on her, she came back downstairs and walked up to him and handed him her cell phone. "Here. Answer it." She demanded and Ichigo just took it and brought it to his ear. "Hello?" He said into it. "Ichigo?" He immediately moved in away from his face. A faint redness spread across his noes from the sudden smooth voice that call his name over the phone. He looked at Rukia who smiled wickly. "You called him?!" She pushed his hand back up to his face. "He's still on the phone idiot!" She yelled at him. Ichigo brought the phone back up to his face. "Uryu.." His name was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "Rukia called me and told me you wanted to come over my house this weekend. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised you would like to visit." Ichigo scratched the back of his head. "Ye-Yeah. I just.. wanted to hang out." He glared at Rukia as he spoke. The fact that she continues to smile innocently pissed him off even more. "Oh, well alright. I have no problem with it. Come over at noon. That time seems appropriate enough." Ichigo nodded forgetting that Ishida couldn't see him. "Uh, ok sure." "Alright then. Goodbye Ichigo." His heart felt as if it skipped a beat each time Uryu called his name in such a soothing voice. "Yeah, see ya Uryu." He put the phone down after he hurt him hang up.

"See I did you a favor. You make such a fuse about simple easy things." The short female said with her arms crossed. Ichigo sighed. "Whatever. I don't feel like arguing with you about this.." He head for the stairs to go to his room. "It was very easy to just call him and speak to him. A 'Thank you Rukia' would be nice." She frowned at him. "I said I didn't wanna argue!"

"Hello Kurosaki." Ichigo frowned knowing who it was that had called him. "Fuck off." He replied. They walked up beside him. "Is that all you can say to me each time you see me? We're best friends." Ichigo scoffed. Hichigo wasn't anywhere close to being a friend nonetheless best friend of Ichigo's. "Who lied to you?" He glared at him. Hichigo always seemed to be smiling creepy and mischievously. "Heh, I just wanted to tell ya I plan on asking Uryu out Saturday." Ichigo stopped walking and looked at him and Hichigo stopped as well. "Don't you dare." Hichigo chuckled. "You don't tell me what to do and you don't own Ishida.." He smiled even more as he said, "but I do." Ichigo glared as Hichigo happily stared. "You can't claim him!" The oranged haired male yelled. "Oh but I plan to." The white hair male responded.
"What are the two of you fighting about this time? If your going to bicker then don't do it in the middle of the hall." They both turned to see none other than Uryu Ishida himself. He looked at the two in confusion, but at the same time as if he was uninterested. Hichigo walked up to him. "Nothing you need to worry about." He placed his arm over Uryu. Ichigo came up to him and pushed him away with an annoyed expression and his look alike only laughed. Ichigo looked at the glasses wearing guy beside him. "Hichigo was just telling me something stupid and untrue that's all." He glared back at the other guy. "I see.." Uryu said with an eye brow raised adjusting his glasses, before walking off sensing the obvious tenion between the two. "I'm going to continue to class and avoid anything trouble you two are about to cause." Hichigo chuckled again. "Oh~, it's too late for that." He said without him hearing, but Ichigo did.

To Give In (Ichigo X Uryu Yaoi AU)Where stories live. Discover now