Chapter Fifty Four: Being normal sucks!

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Luke's POV

Everything sprung into chaos very quickly and the Vlolf thought it be rather better for them to stay invisible. Paul seemed to be able to sense them much better then the rest of us. He stayed very close to me and so did Sanjay. The rest spread out in hope to try make it harder for them.

I removed the towel from my face. "Sanjay how does it look?" I ask him.

He smiled at me, "Pretty gruesome but don't worry your still very handsome," he smiles taking my hand.

"Has the bleeding stopped?" I ask him.

"Not really," he says putting the towel back against it but now only over the top of my eye. "Its quite a nasty cut to the top of your eye Luke. It needs some sort of stitching I'm certain of it even with you being the perfect human."

Suddenly Andrew is being chucked through the air and he crashes right into Sanjay and I which forces me into the rubble where parts of the ship has fallen away. The same thing that had caused the cut to the top of my eye.

I manage to hold in the pain as Andrew stumbles off us. "I'm so sorry," he begins but he is forced side wards and something grabs onto Sanjay pulling him away from me.  I stumble to my feet the towel now on the ground knowing my cut is still probably bleeding but noway will they hurt Sanjay.

"Sanjay," I manage but Paul steps in front of me stopping me from going any further.

"They are doing it on purpose. Anyone can see what you two mean to each other from a mile away. People or aliens would be stupid not to notice," he tells me.

"I don't care! He means everything to me I will not let him die," I tell him firmly.

Paul looks at me, "I know that Luke. Just let me help," he says gently.

"Okey," I say as Paul leads the way where Sanjay is being dragged away. We rush forward as I watch Clyde be chucked up against one of the spaceships walls his whole body going limp.

I abandon Paul hoping he will help Sanjay as I run to Clyde kneeing down next to his lifeless body.

"Clyde. Its going to be okey," I begin.

"Luke!" Rani shouts as I spot her running over towards Clyde and I. "I'm so sorry Rani," I begin as she reaches me.

"Get off!" Rani says as she begins to float in the air.

"Leave her alone!" I scream as I get to my feet.

"What you going to do Luke?" she cackles like a witch.

"Please," is all I manage.

Rani falls to the floor wincing. Something latches around my leg and pulls me into the air upside down. "Got you," she giggles.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask even if its hard to being dangled upside down.

The spaceship begins to shake badly again and a loud explosion fills the air and the ship. "Time to go," I hear the one holding me say.

Suddenly everything around me seems to disappear and I find myself in a small space pod. Andrew is on the ground bleeding from most areas of his body and is currently now unconscious.

I spot Sanjay over in one of the chairs also unconscious. "I like this one better," I hear one of the Vlolf say from just outside.

I find myself sitting in one of the chairs too. I quickly get to my feet wondering how we are going to get out of this one.

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"He is younger," begins the other one.

"Where do you think you are going?" asks a voice as something latches around my shoulder.

"Three of you...hold on they said," I begin.

"I'm the third sister. The one obsessed with humans," she laughs.


"Sisters I like this one a lot," she shouts right in my ear even though I can't see her still.

The two sisters walk into the room they are not invisible right now with Daniel with them.

"Daniel," I begin.

"So you don't want this one?" they ask her.

The Vlolf who has hold of me around my neck finally becomes visible again. "He is cute and young but something about this one," she sneers making me face her.

She looks more human then her two sisters and much younger in appearance. "Just let Sanjay and Daniel go please," I beg them.

The two Vlolf in front of me suddenly fall to the floor with two small darts in there backs. "My sisters!" the one that still has hold of me screams bringing me in tighter to her.

"Step away from Luke now and let us all go free or the next dart that I hit your two sisters with will be to kill," Paul's voice says as he enters the space pod.

"How you find this place?" she asks.

"Wasn't hard to be honest with you. This spaceship is big but not that big. I do not wish to kill any of you but I won't let you leave with my friends. You made this personal," says Paul looking angry.

"I don't think you have the right to make threats. I could snap his neck right now," she sneers.

"Just let Sanjay and Daniel go," I begin.

"Luke this isn't time to play the hero," Paul says to me.

I look at him, "I'm not..I'm not trying too I just...I rather they be safe," I begin.

"That's trying to be the hero Luke. Sometimes your too honest, too brave and too stupid. Meant the genius Luke," smirks Paul.

"I can't help it," I say to him.

"I know you can't Luke. Its why I know I need to be around to protect you. Too many people care about you and you have done amazing job to protect earth. Earth and us lot need you," Paul tells me.

I smile at him, "Thanks but I'm nothing special."

"You are Luke. Even with out the being grown thing and the ten thousand minds, perfect immune system and changing cells. You have the most honest, true and kind heart then anyone else I have ever met. We care about you Luke and you're our leader. We always protect our leader," Paul tells me.

"This is all very touchy but I think its time to get this over and done with. I take Andrew and Luke. You can have the other two. That's my offer or I will escape this place with Andrew and my two sister and leave your so called leader dead!"

"I have a very good aim. You wouldn't make it out alive with both your sisters and Andrew and Luke. I really don't think you are as smart as you think you are," Paul sneers.

"How dare you!" she screams.

"Luke," says Lenny.

"Hey Lenny. I have an idea," I begin.

"I thought you did," Lenny laughs.

I start to concentrate and so does Lenny in hope it works. Slowly it began to work and force the Vlolf into the air and Paul shoots a dart at her hitting into her arm.

"Not possible," she says as I let her go and she falls to the ground unconscious.

"Good thinking Luke. Why didn't you do that earlier?" Paul asks.

"I don't know. I guess I forget I can do that sometimes or maybe I try forget on purpose. Its not normal is it," I begin.

"Hey Luke. Being normal sucks," he says patting me on the shoulder as he comes over to me.

I shrug my shoulders, "Maybe...lets get out of here."


Short chapter

Sorry not updated much

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Needs editing!

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