Gabe's P.O.V
I snapped my fingers sending the boys to Bobby's house but Nikki and I went to her old bedroom.
She opened her eyes and instantly recognized her old room.
"Why'd you bring me here?" My *does mental jazz hands* favorite Winchester asked.
"Oh... where else? I don't really have a home. Weellllll I do buuuut... I... long story..."
"We have time..." She interrupted.
'True.... hummm nummm bum num num be de do da da day de da doo dah da daaaaeee... da dae do dah' I randomly bursted into song in my thoughts...
"I guess that's true... alright... sit down mother fudgers it's story time..." I answered.
Nikki sat down criss-cross applesauce looking up at me and mimed eating popcorn.
'And Dean asks why she's my favorite...'
"So... Mike and Luci weren't really close brothers up in Heaven. I couldn't stand the fighting anymore and I up and left, Dad went down to Earth too around that time. I became The Trickster. Mike and Luci still fought a lot though. Eventually Luci up and left too turning his pink wings--" I started.
"Pink?!" She asked, " why... uh... pink?"
"Ehhh... God saw like a pink sunset and made that the color of his wings... something like that... anyways... Luci scorched them black with red embery things... kinda cool actually..."
"What do your wings look like?" She asked.
She didn't know that to ask to see another's wings it was actually code word for you know what but...
She ooooed and ahhhed as I outstretched my six bright golden wings the color of my eyes. Compared to other angels mine were gigantic. A bus length each side. I couldn't spread them out all the way in here and it was quiet uncomfortable. I made my wings disappear as quickly as they had appeared.
"That was cool..." she complimented.
I didn't answer and instead continued, "Luci took Uncle Death with him too. Too bad I always liked him." She stared at me with a puzzled look.
"Death? The horseman?"
"Yeah... " I told her, "and stop interrupting, Death loved the things I loved. Junk food, candy for me, pizza for him. You know stuff like that. Then Luci came and, swept him away and literally enslaved him. Rude much?"
She nodded in agreement.
"Good enough?" I asked.
"You're family are kinda jerks..."
"Don't you say anything about my family!" I screamed turning toward my darker side slamming her against the wall.
"Kay kay... I'm sorry... harsh..." she appologized.
I let her down off the wall. She gripped her neck, it being sore. "Why did you bring me here?"
She asked again."Eh, I didn't want your bros, but you're fine," I responded.
'For a guy who just got mad at me for saying his family were jerks this was uh... ironic...' she thought.
I ignored her thought, "so you know I saw, your bullet art earlier. It was awesome."
"Thanks..." she thanked.
"Could you uh... do one of me...?"
"You know, Samwich said the same thing..." I told him.

A Broken Family Tree
FanfictionNicole Foster. Trying to just live her life, but secrets keep avalanching horrible things and emotions upon her. Two men she never knew existed, let alone are related to her. She's afraid. Not of the monsters around her, but of what she's becoming. ...