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"He hid very well even his scent is off-track, General." One of the legion armies informed once he studied every corner of the wall of Kim's mansion with their pack. The General nodded in acknowledgment and shooed him away before he stepped his foot inside Taeyeon's chamber that looks classy and gothic touch just like his taste, his hand traces the frame hanging across the massive room, the wall painted in a combination of gold, black & white, the older legion predicted that it was the owner of the house since it's a family portrait where a couple sitting in an elegant love seat while a pale young boy in between curving a thin line on his face.

"Q-Queen Victoria?" He recognizes the woman wearing a black and red Victorian dress making her look like a vampire, a wrinkle form on his forehead, too many questions occupied his mind as he looks carefully before his eyes dropped into the man wearing black Edwardian style same with their son.

"General Joongkook there's something interesting that we found on the other chamber and to our investigation, it belongs to a vampire according to its scent.

"Okay just give me a minute." General Joongkook spoke before the legion disappear from his sight.

"Queen Victoria has something to do with this." General Joongkook smirked.


"Do you think the legions were already searching for us?" Sooyeon whispered.

"Indeed and I bet my old crappy house we're already burning down by them." Taeyeon spoke in a calm manner sipping his favorite tea while the vampire sitting comfortably in a hammock beside his elegant chair.

"I also think that my brother is already fuming in anger." The demon calmly said as he stares blankly into the beautiful view of the sea.

"But as you can see you chose the right place to hide since the saltwater can hide our scent obviously for a while but who knows." Sooyeon stated a matter of fact made Taeyeon advert his attention to her.

"We really have to find the spear that will kill me sooner or later before it falls into the wrong hands." Taeyeon said.

"Kyungsoo already searching for it." She responded.

"Well remind me to treat him some sweets." He smiled but a huge explosion nearby startled them and the smoke already shown not too far away from their hidden spot.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Miyoung nervously jumped from her seat inside the small house with Krystal silently sitting on the couch.

"They're here." Krystal muttered under her breath while her eyes turn into golden one same goes for her hair locks.

"Miyoung-ah, Krystal are you both okay?" Taeyeon slammed the door open checking both of them followed by Sooyeon behind while Kyungsoo is out somewhere.

"We have to get out from here before they find us." Krystal leads the way outside but into her legion form where she's wearing a robe of an angel, her hair turns into gold with a silver highlight in her bangs and a golden spear on her hands.

"Should we trust you?" Miyoung interrupted while holding her bow & arrow tightly and made all of them halt.

"We're running of time here and besides I was also in a huge pit of trouble now since Hyoyeon already find out that I made an alliance with our enemy." Krystal admitted, she already knew that her life is already at stake so it's now or never, and choose to help the one she loves, Erik.

"C'mon now, hurry! I think the explosions were getting worse." Sooyeon yelled holding her katana and making her way into the deep forest behind the small hut.

"I trust you, Krystal-ssi." Taeyeon said as he followed the vampire who already inside the forest, clearing their way while Miyoung looking at them with a hint of jealousy.

"We're not done yet." Miyoung warned as she whispers into Krystal but the legion only shrugged her and continue to follow their pace inside the forest.


"Search even in small areas to track them." Baekhyun ordered while his small pack of army legions obeyed, he wisely followed the scent that stuck into Chanyeol's fabric, Taeyeon's blood to be exact.

"We found a small beach house over there." One of the pack informed followed by the rest of the army but to their dismay, the target already left the place.

"Into the forest."

"F*ck they're into us now." Krystal panicked once her smell sense the enormous pack of intruders tailing them behind so they were running at the fastest pace hoping that they will stray them away.

"You go, I distract them." Sooyeon unsheathed her katana behind her back and stood still letting them off.

"Sooyeon-ah?!" Taeyeon pulled her back with them but the vampire stayed to fight them so the demon could be safe.

"Trust me, I survive for a thousand years, and being with you is one of the precious things to be treasured by me so I couldn't stand if something happens to you, Taengoo. I can handle them, I already take down different monsters back then and those were just a piece of cake for me so go now before we all caught by them." Sooyeon gave a warm smile to Taeyeon who already in tears, Miyoung dragged the midget leaving the vampire behind.

"Be sure to get back into my arms, Sooyeon." Taeyeon said and the vampire nodded in assurance before they run deep into the forest.

To be continued.

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