Yuri; My Snow White

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Yuri Plisetsky; My Snow White DRABBLE

"My Snow White!" (Y/n) shouted, running up to Yuri as he was listening to Victor. She rushes over towards the rink, jumping over it and skating towards the Russian skater. Yuuri looks at her impressed, she managed to jump over the railing with skates and landed it. 

Yuri coughed on his own saliva as (Y/n) tackled him onto the ground. The two of them sliding across the rink. 

"(Y/n)!" He tried his hardest to sound like his usual rude and foul-mouthed attitude, yet he couldn't pull himself together to talk in such a way to her. 

"Yuri! Yakov told me to bring you and Victor back to Russia!" (Y/n) whined, holding onto the 15 year old skater. Yuri looking at her with a slight pinkish tint as well as a annoyed face. Which was most likely suppose to be directed at his coach. 

"Snow White...?" Yuuri asks questionably, one of his eyebrows raised. Victor chucked before deciding to explain to him.

"(Y/n) calls Yuri Snow White because of his skin being really pale." (Y/n) buries her face into Yuri's chest, his face getting redder by the second. 

"Coach found out about me being here after my post, and he sent you here (Y/n)?" Yuri stares at her before pushing her off of him softly.

 (Y/n) hummed a simple tune which meant "yes." Yuri helped his female friend stand up, holding her to make she wouldn't fall.  She blushed slightly and held onto him still, trying her hardest not to topple themselves over again. 

"Victor, are they in a relationship?" Yuuri mutters, Victor looking at him before staring at the two friends standing next to each other. 

"They're friends...But maybe they can be a little more." He responds as he stares at them with his fingers lining up to a heart. Yuri and (Y/n)'s eyes widened while both of their faces began to be completely red. 

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