What wrong on him - Wanda

405 18 4

Tony got home with a red on his faces is look like a hand and every one eyes on him

Clint : what happen to you ?
He ask and came closer to him

Tony : no this nothing
He answer

Steve : are you sure ?
He ask

Tony : yup
He answer

Wanda : where 's pepper ?
She ask

Sam : and who did that to u ?
He ask too

Sharon : and why are you crying ?
She ask him

Natasha : did pepper did to u this? she ask

Tony : sorry can not answer that questions I better go to sleep
He got his room


What wrong with him ? ...

Sam : do you see that ?
He said

Natasha : yeah like someone slap him
She answer

Steve : do you think is pepper ?
He said

Wanda : that silly steve .pepper will never do that
I said

Sharon : well if is not pepper then who ??
She was confused

Wanda : let ask him tomorrow
I said

........to be continued .....

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