Why so painful?

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Your tears dripped unstoppingly on to the drak wooden floor of your apartment. You never wanted to hurt him. Although you didn't like him now, you just wanted to be friends with him but why couldn't he understand? Your hands pulled at your hair and you screamed crouching down onto your knees. Why did it hurt so much? Why did it seem like you were the one that was hurt? All you did was tell him your true feelings, you should feel relieved but why did it leave you feeling so lost, so empty? Your phone rang. The cheerful sound of your ringtone seemed to be so odd coming from your discarded bag on the ground beside you. Pulling it out, you saw that Seunghyun was calling you. Your tears flowed faster. Why? Why did this have to happen to you? Why did I have had to love Ljoe before? Seunghyun was your life now but why did he have to make it so hard for you? Caught up in your thinking, your phone lay neglected on the ground still ringing. Grabbing it and standing up, you screamed again. Why?? *CRASH* Looking up, you took in the sight of your phone shattered in front of the wall. Anger boiling up, you grabbed the nearby coffee table and flipped it over while shattering the vase once on top. You felt the shards of glass pierce your hands but you ignored the sting. Your physical pain seemed so small compared to your emotional pain, you suddenly wondered why there weren't emotional band-aids in the world. You laughed hysterically. Yeah, why weren't there? I should invent some! I'm sure people would want them! Yet your vision continued to blur until you could barely see anything in front of you. You could hear yourself laughing and crying at the same time but you didn't care. Why mattered anyway? Your head swirled and you could feel yourself falling. A slash of pain. Then nothing.


Sorry for the super short update but I hope YOU GUYS are satisfied!

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