Chapter 9- Before the death

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All I wanted was someone to love me for who I am. Stiles saw me as a 'best friend' before the bullying even tho he didn't NOTHING to stop it. some friend right...yep... and I thought he was the best person ever. What I really hate is that I hate Stiles but I'm...I' love with him.


I enjoyed every kiss I planted on Stiles' body. I just wanted to be him. I heard him whisper I love you to that ugly dog beast! This enraged me so I stopped and I grabbed Stiles' hair pulled him close to me and started punching him in the face. "STOP IT" I yelled "YOU DONT LOVE HIM YOU LOVE ME" I continued in between punches.

I finally stopped when I started feeling pain in my hand. The damage was done. My knuckles were bruised and covered in Stiles' blood. But Stiles took the most damage, he had a black eye, two cuts on his lip (one on the top and the other on the opposite side on the bottom) three big bumps worst than the first. I started sobbing...."Love me.......please...I-I..... just" I just continued sobbing on his chest.

My mind clears and I realize that it was all in my head. I didn't hurt Stiles. He closed his eyes and turned his head up to the ceiling. "stop whispering" I said and I kissed him. I heard something break and I knew Derek gotten free. I was scared..... and just like that I was thrown to the wall. "I love you......" were the last words I said before everything went black.

~》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》~ (A/N) hey just wanted to give you guys Dane's P.O.V you know before the death. oh and um I just want to let you know that I'm going to put this story on hold. uh sorry for the people who actually like my story :): BYE.....for now.

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