being in a band is alot of work.eccpecialy when your one of the most hated bands ever.blood on the dance floor is a highly hated band.the reason being is they have bad songs.nobody thinks about this -that was when they were younger! they have grown up and matured.They have better songs(not saying the old werent!) they have songs about bullying and being diffrent is ok! botdf has taught me that being diffrent is ok and being a outcast is too.they make you feel your not alone.theres alot of people who call botdf there heros(im one of them) its the people they look up to.its the reason there here today.i love botdf!! there the best band ever to me.some people dont think that way though! if your hater be a hater idc but it gets to other think every time you make that mean comment on youtube or facebook anyother website fans of them see that and they get hurt..bad.thats there heros and sometimes it makes people cut and/or kill themselfs.people hate botdf!they get alot of stuff from people.An its hard but they get right back up and dont let it get to them.botdf is the strongest band i ever seen and im proud to call them my heros♥