Were Here!

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Sqaishey's POV

"Beth, wake up. We have to get to the convention center." I feel a pair of hands shaking my shoulders to try and wake me up. I grunt and mumble a few complaints as I snuggle my way down into the blankets more. "You will get to meet Amy and Squid." Jacob says trying to get my attention. I open one eye at him and raise my eyebrow.

"And Stampy?" I saw still half asleep.

"Of course! What kind of boyfriend would I be if you only met half of the MAC?" He laughs and then starts to tickle me so I will get up. I quickly jump up and dodge him, running around the settee. We chase each other for about five minutes when I am finally out of breath and sit back down on the sofa. "Honey, would you like some breakfast?" Jacob asks after two minutes of just sitting in silence catching our breaths.

"No thanks. I'm too excited to eat, silly goose! I'm just going to go get ready for this perfect day." I say as I start to skip out of the room. Then, I stop mid-step and turn around embarrassed. "Did you feed Pepsi?" I nearly forgot about my dog. I am just too darn happy.

"No, I thought I would let him sleep" Jacob says as he lifts the blanket to show Pepsi wrapped up in my sweater. I quickly walk over to him and pet his fur, before skipping back to my room.

Jacobs POV

Beth comes walking back into the kitchen nearly an hour later and pours herself some cereal. She is so pretty today. Her normal makeup, and her hair is the same, and she is even wearing clothes I have seen her wear a thousand times before, but she has a certain. . . glow to her, that I just can't explain. She is certainly happy. She looks up to me and stares. I am wearing different clothes then I was before she went upstairs, and I think it is confusing her.

"I brought extra clothes, in case I fell asleep." I say smiling. She just giggles, and I feel my face becoming warm. She finds Stampy's videos funnier than me. I have to tell her soon that I don't like the MAC much anymore, but not now. She is in too good of a mood now for me to tell her I have been lying to her.

"Good thing you did!" Beth says still laughing.

Sqaishey's POV

While I am eating my cereal I pull out my phone and look at Twitter. There is a lot of the same stuff; fan art, comments about my videos, and of course some hate tweets. A lot of my fans tweet back and say things like "Back off" or "Stay away". I have told them not to, because they shouldn't get involved in hate, especially when its not to them, but secretly, I am really glad they do that. It makes me feel proud that I have so many loyal people who like my videos.

I finish my cereal  and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I left my phone on the table because I was getting a bit upset by it. I walked back into the kitchen and saw that my phone was in a different spot on the table, most likely moved by Jacob. He doesn't, or at least didn't know I had a YouTube channel. I was trying to keep it a secret because my videos aren't that good and I didn't want him thinking I'm not a good YouTuber. He doesn't even know about the name "Sqaishey Quack".

"I fed Pepsi. Are you ready to go?" He avoids the topic. Maybe he didn't see my phone, maybe he just moved it.

"Just a minute. I need to go grab some extra clothes." He seems confused by my statement, so before I run off, I turn around and say, "because I am so clumsy, I'm sure to make a mess." I giggle as I run off to my room and put some extra clothes in my rucksack. I hop down the stairs two at a time before running over and hugging my boyfriend. Together we walk out the car and start driving to the convention center.


Sqaishey's POV

"Are we there yet?" I ask for about the 50th time since we got in the car. The answer is still know, but besides for me asking the typical car ride question, there was almost no conversation. Im worried he did see my youtube account on my phone and is mad at me for not telling him. "Jacob, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. . . Sqaishey." Oh no. He knows, but he doesn't sound mad. After he said it you could see him trying to hold in laughter. Is laughter a good thing or does it mean that he watched my videos and thought I was ridiculous? I look over at him worried, and he pulls the car over so we can talk. "Why didn't you tell me Beth?"

"I thought you would make fun of me, or worried that I am trying to mimic the MAC." I said slightly embarrassed. He starts laughing again as he gets back on the road.

Jacob's POV

"Beth, you're a good Youtuber, and trust me, there is no way you could be like the MAC." She looks over at me with a frown on her face and tears coming to her eyes. "Beth, what I meant was that. . . you can't be like the MAC, because your so much better. You know why your better? It's because your mine." As I finish speaking, I realize my cheeks feel hot, and I turn back towards the road. But when I peek over at Beth, I see her cheeks are just as red as mine feel, but she is smiling.

I tell her that she can go ahead and sleep if she wants to, because we are still a ways away, but I really am just worried that she will bring up the topic of the MAC again. I am worried I will slip up that I don't like them. It will be hard enough trying to seem happy while meeting them. She quickly drifts off to sleep, with her rucksack as a pillow.

Beth's POV

I wake up to Jacob putting his hand on my thigh.

"Hi sleepy head." he says smiling at me. He pushes some loose hair away from my eyes and kisses me for a long moment. "Are we there yet?" He asks.  I don't understand his question, because I was sleeping, and he was the one driving. Then, I look up to see where we are, and see a HUGE building with a giant Minecon poster hanging off the side.

"Yes. Yes we are!" I say as I lean in for another kiss. I don't kiss him for long though, and when I pull away he seems dissapointed, but I don't see it for long, because I am already jumping out of the car. We are there early so the main convention center isn't open, but we can still go inside.

"Hey Beth, im going to go to the food court, do you want anything?" I quickly shake my head no as I stare at everything. I walk backwards to try and see everything at once. After a few more steps, I end up running into someone. I quickly jump around to see who it was. I notice someone with poofy, brown hair, and I was about to apologise until they turn around.



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